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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Number 152-9. Received tobacco parcel but wishes he could have parcel from her, nothing for nine months and supplies running low. Not enjoying promotion as only for time served. Requests photos of Frances and new home. Still slaving away with violin.

Number 151-8. Reports arrival of 4 letters and all the news about new home and provides much advice on gramophone and financial issues. Mentions health issues and wishes for the end of winter.

Number 15[.]-7. Card will miss it but hope she had good birthday. Hopes he might be home for next one. Urges her to look after mother.

Number 149-6. Delighted to get letter posted 28 November with news that they have moved into new home. Ask all about it and discusses home creating she will have to do. Mentions fellow prisoner has not heard from wife for four months and could she…

Number 148-5. Only letters that have arrived sent before Christmas. Mention a recent cold but otherwise fit. Mentions camp is currently dry and that he had received a food parcel from Portugal. Thanks for cigarette and tobacco parcel.

Number 147-4. Very few letters have arrived. Comments on weather not cold but slush. Got new boots from Red Cross and comments on climate and lack of exercise. Mention that there are plenty of Red Cross parcels available but misses bread and…

Number 146-3. List her letters that have arrived. Anxious for news of new house. Mentions weather and seeing British medical officer. Feels fit despite lack of exercise.

Number 145-2. Awaiting news of progress with house. Writes of preparing his daughter for eventual liberation. Comments on atrocious weather. Recent arrival of tobacco parcel.

Number 144-1. Congratulates her on progress with house. Mentions family illness, time to get into London from new home, and catches up with family friends. Thanks for violin strings. Mention proposed writing schedule. Reminisces on wedding four years…

Number 86-143. Send love and greeting for new year. Awaiting news of moving to new house. Comments on winter weather.

Number 85-142. Writes of potential house purchase and problems ahead. Discusses financial matters and instruction sent about RAF pay through Red Cross. Discusses name for new house. Puzzled about watch she is wearing. Mentions his lack of religion…

Number 84-141. Gives results of recent music exams. Weather turned mild and back to slush. Asks to see if she can get recompense for missing Red Cross parcel. Awaiting details of house.

Number 83-140. Hopes she enjoyed her birthday. Still waiting definite news of house purchase and mentions financial tax matters. Weather now freezing which is improvement on previous slush. Mentions two resolutions one to do more fiddle practise but…

Number 82-139. Writes wishing her a happy birthday and thanking her parents for lending them money for a house.

Number 81-138. Complains about lack of mail and that he does not seem to get replies to his. Discusses house purchase and finances. Mentions letter he has letter belonging to Polish prisoner and to wish all his Polish friends well for 1944. Comments…

Number 80-137. Complains about lack of mail and parcel that had arrived at previous camp but not yet with him. Comments that has lost sense of taste again and has glued violin back together,

Number 79-136. Writes that mail is falling off and comments on weather, allotment of hut for theatre and four rooms for classes. No hope of place to practise violin. Looking forward to more photographs of her and daughter. Asks will 1944 see then…

Number 78-135. No letters from her. Reports on weather and state of camp. Writes he is living with excellent crowd of fellows and goes on to describe some. Mentions persisting with violin averaging four hours a day of practise but handicapped by lack…

Number 77-134. John tells her of his pension situation and that his father is not sending more tobacco until contact resumed. He also tells Ursula that he gets tired and longs passionately for her.

Number 76-133. Writes of his dislike for his prisoner of war camp but that he keeps busy with an increase in his fiddling hours, classes in book keeping, music, history and Dutch. He also mentions the daily routine of clothes washing and housekeeping…

Number 75-132. Writes he is managing to practise violin but still having problem with instrument. Sense of taste now back for two months and awaits letters and news of house purchase.

Number 74-131. Sympathises over house hunting issues and comments on sporadic mail. Discusses financial matters and send thanks for books parcel. Comments on weather.

Number 73-130. Writes that he has given her power of attorney and post office withdrawal form sent via Red Cross. Discusses financial issues. Mention that he received music and reports issues with his violin.

Number 72-129. Details addresses for mail and parcels. Thanks for recent parcel with music and violin strings. Writes of other items needed. Still awaiting news of house hunting.

Number 71-128. Discusses house purchase and that he will endorse any decisions she makes. Mentions financial issues, arrival of books and continuing study of violin.
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