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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Letter from foreign department of a Swedish company ASEA. Informing his that sender had received a message from his parents that they were well and that they wished him a happy birthday.

From foreign department of Swedish company. Writer is a business friend of his father's who has asked sender to enquire if John had any special wishes. Informed him that the secretary of a named Swedish organisations had met John at Stalag Luft 6 and…

Writes how marvellous it will be to see him next day although sympathises that he has diphtheria. Says she has much to do before getting away and daughter is being looked after by her parents and taken down to Devon.

Short letter thanking him for his. No time to write as off to get hair permed. Suggest he gets proof of being prisoner of war from adjutant and contact Civilian Advice Bureau before going on holiday.

Offers a translation of a letter from Mr Wernekinck in Sweden. Notes that due to help of Swedish "Help the War Sufferers" his son John has been located in Stalag Luft 6. Relates from a man who spoke to his son who had tried to locate him in Stalag…

The letter tells Jozef she has a cold, has been sight seeing in Edinburgh, to the theatre, plans to to hear the London Philharmonic Orchestra in Edinburgh and she is unsure of what work she will do.

Elizabeth writes that her training continues, she is going into Edinburgh to have dinner with a friend of her Mother's and she thinks she will work as a driver,

Writes that he is pleased that he would have someone to come back. He comments that his knee was okay put being unable to run affected his ability to play rugby and soccer. Concludes with banter.

He writes that Johnnie is missing but hopes that he may be safe, likely as a prisoner of war.
A handwritten annotation states 'Died in crash'.

The letter asks if he can write to a member of the association about a lady's husband.
He is also thanked for his donation.

Dorothy thanks Les for a calendar he sent her. She has had two letters from her husband and is feeling very happy.

He hopes Les is well. He reports the family is well.

The author expresses delight that he has returned home.

The author asks about her brother, Jack Graham, who was a prisoner of war in Italy.

The writer advises that Mrs E Pepper, whose son flew with Les, had not got over the loss of her son and died of a heart attack.

She thanks Les for speaking so nicely about her late son, Les' pilot. She hopes he will write to her.

The letter accepts that Les is a prisoner of war and blames the mis-reading of a Red Cross report.

The letter advises that his son has died of wounds whilst a prisoner of war.

The letter acknowledges that Les is a prisoner of war in Tripoli. It advises the procedure of sending mail and parcels to Les.

The author is delighted that Les is safe, albeit a prisoner of war.

The writer has received letters and cards from Les' mother indicating he is alive.

The writer confirms that her son is definitely a prisoner of war.

The letter advises that Les is a prisoner of war.

The letter asks that Les' mother forwards her letter from Les confirming he is a prisoner of war.
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