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  • Tags: home front

An unused ration book for fuel.


Page 7 - editorial comments with photograph of a Whitley production line. Other headlines: Britain will fight on, munition worker's pay

Two charts showing what men did and what women did between 1939 and 1944


Eight charts showing pre-war and 1943 values for consumption of butter, margarine, fresh meat, sugar, flour, potatoes, fruit and liquid milk.


Mentions consumption of various foodstuffs. Mentions expenditure on boots, shoes, clothing, hardware, furnishings , radios and other items. Covers travel and goods transport.


Covers shipping and imports


Notes 4.5 million houses out of 13 million damaged by bombing including those recently destroyed by flying bombs and rockets.

Statistics for females aged 14 to 59 by jobs. Concludes that three quarters of men and quarter of women are in the services, munitions or essential industries.


Two charts: the planes we made 1940 to 1943 and how you spent your money by items.


Mentions total strength of British Empire and Commonwealth forces in mid 1944. Lists munitions and ships produced as well as mentioning aircraft, tanks, artillery and other weapons. Mentions number of contracts, change from ground to air armament…


Writes to correct dates of termination of tenancy of their allotment. Explains arrangement she made with new tenant were misunderstood by him and what she intended to do now with her crops.


Don was brought up in Newcastle, where he worked for a number of years. He attended a meeting a year before the war began, about alternatives to war and that war didn’t have to be accepted as inevitable. Don joined a community which organised…

Lillian Grundy was born grew up in Ancoats, Manchester. Upon leaving school, she worked in a local mill winding bobbins, and the Hall Brothers Toffee Works wrapping sweets. Grundy met George in 1939 and they were engaged in Easter 1940, however, he…

She writes about attending an ambulance station bazaar which Dame Myra Hess formally opened; going to hear a speech by Sir Walter Monkton about prisoners of war; selling flags on Flag day for London; daily/social activities and her factory work.

Writes she is sorry that number of letters he can receive a month has been reduced to four and that she has tracked source of other correspondence. Mentions that she has got a job to help war effort and that her sister and neighbours would help to…

Writes of making cakes for prisoner of war raffle and collecting contributions round the neighbourhood. Catches up with friends news and mentions offer from chartered accountants library to supply professional material. Writes of other organisations…

Writes of her activities and domestic matters including making chutney and marmalade as well as going to Red Cross meeting to receive mementos her for work done on penny a week club. Continues with description of church service arranged for next of…

She writes about the piano tuner turning up at the same time as the window cleaner. There have been 6 houses burgled recently in the area and she has recently seen Gone with the Wind, which she hopes they can see upon his return.

View over Trafalgar Square from upper-storey height full of people celebrating the end of the war in Europe. On the reverse 'VE Day Trafalgar Square 1945'


She thanks him for returning five photograps to her. Writes about difficulties with weekend visit to the country. She mentions that she is worried that a neighbour’s house was burgled and that she had notified the police sergeant that her and her…

Writes of her recent activities including shopping and national gallery concert. Mentions present of home made butter, progress of baby daughter and gardening. mentions telephone delay and hopes he will get leave soon.

Reports his letters and money that have arrived. Mentions soap coupons and difficulties in finding anything to spend them on. Discusses fuel rationing and ordering coal. Mentions gardening and other domestic issues. Writes of visit to friend with…


Writes of daily activities and Mrs Stenzel's jam making. mentions savings scheme and cost of armoured piecing bombs. Continues with more gossip of her and family activities and concludes with comment on his smoking.


Writes about putting up air raid shelter and how they will use it. Continues with news of daily activities and mentions putting advert in paper for daily help.

Writes that she has been billeted and that she is very disappointed and cut up about him not getting a commission. Hopes that he might be chosen for specialised training on strength of his navigation results and get another chance of a commission.…
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