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  • Tags: 50 Squadron

Target photograph of Lanveoc Poulmic. Coastline with piers and quays clearly visible. Partially obscured by light, but bomb explosions on land and water are visible. Captioned '8B', '740 SKELL.8/9.5.44.//NT 8" 8750' [arrow] 275° 0001 LANVEOC POULMIC…

Starboard front of a Lancastrian. An engineer is standing on a testle inspecting an engine. A second airmen looks on. The aircraft is named 'Star Light'. In the background is a Lancaster of 50 Squadron.

Starboard side view of Lancastrian G-AGW, 'Star Light'. In the foreground is an airman and two bicycles lying in the grass. Further behind is a Lancaster of 50 Squadron. On the reverse 'Nobby Clark & Lancastrian Star Light Waddington Dorricott'.

A port side view of a Lancaster, captioned 'Lanc of No 50 Sqdn Skellingthorpe 1943'.

A Lancaster banking away from a second aircraft. It is captioned '' Nan' 50 Sqdn pilot Drew Wyness F/Lt DFC Skellingthorpe 1943'.

Rear quarter view of starboard side of Lancaster 'VN-T' parked on grass with covers on landing gear. On the reverse 'AVC, 50 Sqd Skellingthorpe, R5546, April 42 - Lost 31-3-44'.

Front quarter view of Lancaster parked with bomb doors open. On the nose 'G' and many rows of bomb symbols. Background left a 4000 lb bomb on trolley. On the reverse '50 Sqd Skellingthorpe, G + 1 x 4000 lb bomb. AVC. Doddington Road end'.

Rear quarter view of Lancaster 'VN-P' parked on hard-standing with three rows of bombs in the foreground. On the reverse '50 Sqd Skellingthorpe, about D Day, Yanky [sic] 1000 lb bomb GP, English 500 ", AVC, ND991, 50 Sqd - Flt Refuelling - BDU - 22…

Front quarter view of port side of a Lancaster with bomb doors open. On the nose 'G' and several rows of bomb symbols. The main wheels have covers and there is a trolley accumulator by the port wheel. On the reverse 'ED588 50 Sqd Skellingthorpe,…

View of the front fuselage and port inboard engine of a Lancaster. The bomb doors are open and the main wheels covered. On the nose 'G' and 72 bomb symbols in seven rows. In the background bottom left another Lancaster.

An image of a Lancaster looking up at the nose and starboard wing. Attached is a small card '50 Squadrons Association Mrs Marian Attwood 50 Skellingthorpe 1943-1945'.

Photo 1 is a side view of a Lancaster flying above clouds.
Photo 2 and 3 are predicted anti-aircraft fire explosions.
Photo 4 is an oblique image of the Rhine.
Photo 5 is the port side of Lancaster VN-N viewed from slightly above and to the front.

Air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster 'VN-N' in flight, taken to the front, port side and slightly above.

Air-to-air photograph of a 50 Sqn Lancaster bomber, VN-N in flight. One of the escape hatches is open. Submitted with caption; “I moved to 207 Sqdn at Spilsby July 1945. Taken somewhere over Linconshire.”

With the identification VN-N on its fuselage, a Lancaster with crew members seen in the cockpit. The wings display the type B roundel and the tail has red and blue fin flash markings. It is labeled 'The Lancaster Bomber in Flight'.

Rear quarter view of starboard side of Lancaster parked in a field. In the foreground a road, a wooden fence and a tree on the right. In the background a hedge and trees. On the reverse '50 Sqd Skellingthorpe, R5546 Lost 31-3-44, after repair,…

At the top eight aircrew wearing Mae West lined up under the engine of Lancaster. Bottom, 50 Squadron personnel standing in three lines in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Aircrew and Lancaster of 50 Squadron, some of whom served and died on the…

From information provided by the donor. One was taken on a 50 Squadron open day on 29 May 1946 and is of a Lancaster. The other two are of the Lincolns arriving to replace their Lancasters in July.

Top - front quarter view of a Lancaster parked with another in the distance on the right. Submitted with description 'Lancaster at dispersal on unidentified airfield. Annotated as "'G' George Aug 1943. Vic Coles' kite. Photo by Bill Haig." This…

Left page title 'Lancaster 97 Squadron, PFF, Bourne'. Top left - full length image of Pilot Officer Stephen Dawson wearing tunic and peaked cap standing in front of a Lancaster with open bomb doors. Captioned 'Pilot Officer'. Top right - a Lancaster…

Two sequential vertical aerial photographs of Ladbergen. Both show snow covered fields and the Dortmund-Ems canal. A bomb is visible in the second image.

The first is captioned '4092 Skell.1.1.45//8" 12000 050° 1119 Ladbergen. T. 14MC 1000.LD.…

A vertical aerial photograph of an operation at Ladbergen. Most of the image is obscured by light but the canal is visible.
It is captioned '3506 Skell. 4/5.11.44//NT 8" 11500' 066° 1930 Ladnergen [sic] T. 14 ANM 65DN. 22 secs F/O Drinkell. T. 50'.

LAC T. Barber’s Royal Canadian Air Force Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 8th March 1943 to 29th April 1943 detailing his pilot training. He was stationed at RAF Clyffe Pypard (29 Elementary Flying Training School) and RCAF Station Davidson (23…

Target photograph of La Pallice. Partially obscured by smoke and dust but basin, docks, lock, quays, road pattern and industrial buildings all visible. Captioned '5°F', '5B', '2342 SKELL.19.8.1944//8" 10000' [arrow] 000° 0913. LA PALLICE…

Target photograph of La Pallice. Port area, breakwaters, quays, docks and roads clearly visible. some smoke and disturbed water from bomb explosions. Captioned '5°F', '5B', '2282 SKELL.19.8.44//8" 11000' [arrow] 220° 0909 LA PALLICE…
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