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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Photograph of prisoners of war working. Shows six prisoners in various clothes standing, sitting or working on foundations of a hut.In the background other huts and trees. Captioned' RAF prisoners at Stalag Luft 3 laying brick foundations for a new…

Accounts of some of the officers shot: Flt Lt J G Stower, Flt Lt J F Williams, Flt Lt E G Brettell, Flt Lt M J Casey Flt Lt D. O Street. List of 47 Officers shot. Photograph of W.O Bristow and his model steam boat captioned 'An RAF sergeant at Stalag…

Britain has demanded through the protecting power a full and immediate report on the shooting after a mass escape of 47 British, Dominion and allied air officers in prison camp Stalag Luft 3. 76 officers escaped on March 22. 15 had been recaptured…

Article: short piece about march after east Prussian prisoner of war camp was evacuated. 11 week journey, sleeping in snow, many died.

Account of British tanks driving into Stalag belt and liberating prisoners. Story of Polish girl in Fallingbostel announcing to prisoners that British tanks were here. Accounts of liberated prisoners.

Article about 7th armoured division liberating 6,500 British and american prisoners after capturing Fallingbostel. Camps were Stalag 357 and 11B.

Article. States that educational work for prisoners in a number of camps was carried out by Flight Lieutenant F Harvey Vivian RAFVR also appointed MBE. Mentions he made two attempts to escape and describes evacuation of Stalag Luft VI by ship and…

A biography of Jim Tyrie. He was called up on 1st September 1939 and learned to fly on Tiger Moths. He was shot down on his 7th operation over Berlin. In POW camp he was described as a dedicated tunneller. There is a list of the camps he was kept in…

A postcard written from prisoner of war camp from Jim to his Aunt. It is signed Sedric.

Article headlines: gallantry in captivity, awards to airmen, many lives saved in Germany. OBEs for Group Captain Laurence F Wray RCAF shot down March 1944 for work done on evacuation of Stalag Luft 3. Wing Commander (acting Group Captain) Henry…

The postcard states that it will not be long until he is home. It is signed Sedric.

A reply to Jim for an order for a Rolex watch whilst he was in POW camp. A handwritten annotation describes the order as tongue in cheek and he never followed it up. Included is a blank prisoner of war envelope.

In this communiqué, dated 23rd April 1945, Allied Leaders Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman and Winston Churchill remind German commanders and officers of their responsibilities for the safety and well-being of all allied prisoners of war. They outline…

Photo 1 is rows of tents, captioned 'Initial temporary accommodation'.
Photo 2 is four men squatting and eating. Behind are rows of tents.
Photo 3 is four men carrying a bucket of water, captioned 'The Water Carriers Jim second right'.

Photo 1 is a group of ten airmen inside the prison camp. Behind is a watch tower. It is captioned 'Jim 4th left standing'.
Photo 2 and 4 are 14 men in two rows beside a hut. It is captioned 'May purge from Dulag
Back: Libbey, Stratford, Norton,…

Photo 1 is two men standing in the snow.
Photo 2 is one man standing in the snow, captioned 'McGarr '41'
Photo 3 is two men standing in the snow.
Photo 4 is eight men standing in the snow.
Photo 5 is four men around a table, playing backgammon,…

Provides dates and family history from their engagement to after the war including John's time as prisoner of war and in hospital after his return. Lists letters and dates and provides locations of where they were written.

Photo 1, 3 and 5 are a rugby match in progress. Huts and the wire are in the background.
Photo 2 is two men in the compound.
Photo 4 is the barb wire between the double fence.

Photo 1 is a sailor and a soldier standing in front of a watchtower.
Photo 2 is a group of men standing in the compound.
Photo 3 is three men, standing in the compound,
Photo 4 is a soldier and an airman.
Photo 5 is three men standing beside a…

Photo 1 is a group of men captioned 'Rugby'
Photo 2 is two men wearing skates.
Photo 3 is one man wearing skates, captioned 'Ice Hockey'.
Photo 4 is ten men dressed in thick coats. One man is carrying towels, captioned 'Jim in the centre'. Huts…

Each photograph is annotated with the names of the team members.
Photo 1 - 'Tams Blicharz Stone'.
Photo 2 - 'Self Stone Barralet Kelly Dave Effie Tams'.
Photo 3 - 'Tams Effie Blicharz Stone'.
Photo 4 - 'Stone Tams Effie Blicharz (Whites)'

Photo 1, 2 and 3 are a group of men round a table, captioned 'Birthday Party L-R Hockey, Hunkin, Willis, Kelly, Royle, Robertson, Derbyshire, Murray, Neigh, Collins, Jones, Stamp'.
Photo 4 is a man resting on a bed , reading a book.
Photo 5 is two…

Photo 1 is a group of airmen arriving at the camp, captioned 'Arriving April 1941'.
Photo 2 is a bearded man with a pipe.
Photo 3 is two smiling pilots.
Photo 4 is a man in a sweater holding onto the wire fence.
Photo 5 is two men in shirts, one…

Photo 1 is a view into a tunnel.
Photo 2 is a section of floorboards removed to show the tunnel entrance.
Photo 3 is a view along the tunnel.
Photo 4 and 5 are the potato wine pot, captioned 'Potato wine being made, subsequently banned as it was…
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