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Three United States officers and one Royal Air Force officer standing behind the tail of a B-17. From left to right Brigadier General Curtis LeMay, Air Vice Marshall the Honourable Ralph Cochrane, Lieutenant General Spatz, Colonel Kimmel. On the…

Air Vice Marshall Cochrane greeting Lieutenant General Spaatz as he gets out of B-17, followed by Lieutenant General Jimmy Doolittle and Brigadier General MacDonald. On the reverse '5.4.44, MSC99, 1 Cam 1, 51:46'. Additional information about this…

Group of six officers standing by the tail of a B-17. US 8th Air force Commander Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz being greeted. From left to right Leonard Cheshire, Air Commodore J Jordan, Air Vice Marshall Cochrane, Lieutenant General Doolittle,…

Group of six officers standing on an airfield. Visit of US 8th Air Force Commander Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz. From left to right Group Captain Philpott (Station Commander RAF Woodhall Spa), Air Vice Marshall Cochrane, Lieutenant General…

Group of nine United States and Royal Air Force officers standing on an airfield. In the background left a hangar and centre a Lancaster. From left to right Squadron Leader David Shannon, [Air Commodore Jordan], Lieutenant General Doolittle,…

Four officers standing in a group, In the background left two cars and centre a hangar. From left to right Lieutenant General Spatz, Air Vice Marshall Cochrane, Air Commodore Jordan, unidentifiable. On the reverse '5.4.44, MSC99, 8 cam 1, 51:51'.

Suzanne Pescott is the daughter of Homer Lawson who took part in an operation to destroy a V-1 site. Although he survived a Halifax from his squadron was destroyed and six of the seven crew members were killed. Suzanne visited the site to lay a…

A group of 18 airmen and a two civilian men and one woman, arranged in three rows at the edge of a wood, annotated 'Visit to Irvin parachutes'.


Three senior Royal Air Force officers wearing greatcoats and peaked caps are walking line abreast towards the camera. From left to right: Group Captain J Bradbury DFC, Air Vice-Mashal Carr and the Duke of Kent. There are cars left and right behind…

Three senior Royal Air Force Officers stand talking to a man in civilian overcoat and hat. Behind is another officer and a Percival Petrel twin engined transport aircraft. Captioned between pages 52-53 of 1956 Memoir 'Visit of Southern Rhodesian…

Photographs 1 to 4 are of groups of airmen and officers meeting General Eisenhower. There are photographic displays on boards. A dog is present.
Captioned 'Visit of the Supreme Commander Alied [sic] Forces. General Dwight Eisenhower. R.A.F.…

Photographs 1 to 4 are of General Eisenhower being shown round a display of photographs. Captioned 'R.A.F. Hartford Bridge. 137 Wing, 2nd T.A.F. 17. April 1944.
General Dwight Eisenhower. Supreme Commander. W/C North 137 Wing
A.V.M. Basil…

Three senior Royal Air Force officers wearing greatcoats and peaked caps waiting by a car in the foreground with airman standing by rear door. From left to right: Group Captain J Bradbury DFC and the Duke of Kent. In the background a building with…

Left page: top, Princess Elizabeth at an industrial exhibition, annotated 'British industrial fair 1949?'
Centre right, report of Princess Elizabeth inspecting cooking equipment;
Bottom, viewing kitchen installations.
Right page: top and…

Cutting records the visit of Lettice Curtis to Pocklington, a member of the ATA , who delivered Halifax aircraft to Pocklington. cutting records that Flight Lieutenant Peter Thirsk flew 29 operations on the Halifax attended.

Photograph 1 is of the King standing to the left and the Queen leaving her car. Photograph 2 is of the King and Queen leaving the Officers' Mess. Photograph 3 is of the King and Queen talking to airmen. Photograph 4 is of the King shaking the hand of…

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This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Poland's highest military award. 301 Bomber Squadron Land of Pomerania, Defenders of Warsaw

Church tower of the Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii.

Shrine of the Virgin of the Rosary of Pompei

LH page target photograph, rural area, some explosions visible, captioned '4B. 3637? EWS 6/7.6.44 ? 5000 ? 130 degrees. ? Vire(Eastern? 18x500. Disco. F/O Josey. 103' Handwritten caption '"Bombs Gone" photograph - taken on D night by means of a…

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Title 'Air Vice Marshall D Bennet [sic] and under secretary for air, Geoffrey Lloyd talking to 35 Squadron at Graveley'. Top - on the left an officer wearing tunic and peaked cap standing slightly to the right of a man wearing civilian suit sitting.…
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