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  • Tags: ground personnel

Two bombers with their engines running, Viewed from the side/front.

A group of six airmen arranged in two rows under an aircraft. On the reverse is handwritten -
'L to R
Back Row
Harry Bamforth "Smudge" Smith (Ron) Fred Outwin
Taffy, Nobby Red
A. Able Ground Crew
49 Fiskerton'.

A football team plus four others, one of whom is wearing an RAF crest on his top.

Two photographs, first of a crew posed close to the H2S fairing on the left side DY E are the a/c letters, second is of Halifax just about to taxi, airman removing wheel chock. Information from donor 'Halifax DY-E about to taxi for bombing run'.

Four photographs from an album. Photo 1 is a target photograph of Emmerich. The river Rhine is visible but no ground detail. Photo 2 and 3 are Terry and Eddy at the controls on the way home from the Emmerich operation. Photo 4 is six airmen and a…

The group of seven are standing in front of a Nissen hut.

Three items from an album.
Item 1 is a card for the Airmen's Club, Operated by the Winnipeg Women's Air Force Auxiliary.
Item 2 is a card accompanying a gift of cigarettes and sweets, donated by the Wartime Pilots and Observers Association.
Item 3…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a Lancaster going down in flames, captioned 'Photo taken by Chappie of kite going down in flames over Osterfield (Rhur) probably Mac's ht 18,000' '
Photo 2 is Terry, crew and a WAAF outside a Nissen…

Front view of a Lancaster with many men working on various parts of aircraft or watching. Captioned 'G1038 3 April 44'. On the reverse 'Avro Lancaster, ? N Africa, Italy'.

Three items on an album page.

Item 1 is K Watson's mess bill for May 1949, Sergeants' Mess, RAF Shallufa.
Item 2 is a photo of the damage to the Lincoln after hitting a marker pole, captioned 'Kite after striking marker pole, Shallufa'.
Item 3…

Three photographs on an album page, captioned 'Christmas Parade RAF Kinloss Dec 1950'.
The parade has a piper and a drummer in kilts.
Photo 1 is seen from the port side, photo 2 from the starboard and photo 3 is seen from the front. Various…

Four airmen working at the front of a JU 52.
On the reverse 'Fl Sgt Watson was detained by transportation difficulties. Lt John F [indecipherable]uish'.

Wooden coat hanger inscribed '483863. E Gascoyne'.

Metal flat iron WAAF issue. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor

On the front a round shield with Royal Air Force badge and text including 'Women's Auxiliary Air Force 1939-1945'. To those who had lost their lives. National Memorial Arboretum. On the inside a description of Women's Auxiliary Air Force memorial.

Cartoon drawing of an airman with empty in-tray and paper aeroplane on desk answering the telephone.

Black and white drawing of ten caricatures of various air force ranks and trades including NAAFI Basheress and WAAF type. Signed copied by D Hickton.

Eight figures in line from left to middle in various uniform or other dress. Two smoke cigarettes and one a pipe the smoke from all gathers above them, To the right three figures in another bubble struggling to find the answer to a crossword clue.…

Two versions of the same photograph. Two men in uniform sitting on a bomb trolley behind the port wing of a Halifax. On the reverse of the first photograph 'L - R Stan Jeffrey - Eric Pinnock, bombing up for night op 1942'.

Two versions of the same photograph. Two men wearing battledress stand each holding one of the guns of the rear turret of a bomber. On the reverse of the first photo 'L - R Stan Jeffrey - Cpl?'.

Two men wearing battledress stand each holding one of the guns of the rear turret of a bomber.

Five men standing in a row, four airmen with a pilot with peaked cap standing in the centre. In front, two further airmen squatting down. All are wearing battledress. Aircraft letter 'E' right, on part of rear fuselage of a bomber

Seven airmen standing in line. All wear battledress except third from left who wears tunic. Left hand man has sergeant stripes. In the background the starboard man undercarriage and part of starboard inner engine of a bomber.

Two versions of the same photograph. Eleven personnel, a mix of air and ground crew sitting on top of a Halifax. One in front of cockpit and one standing in cockpit with peaked hat. Others strung along the top of aircraft and inner port wing. On the…

Seven aircrew wearing a variety of flying kit, including three with parachutes, stand in a row. Squatting in front are four airmen. On the reverse 'Pocklington 1943 DY-E (Easy), L-R, Back row: Canadian air gunner (midupper), Front row: X, Sgt…
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