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  • Tags: Halifax

Les standing at the rear gun turret of a Halifax. It is captioned 'Les Lauzon Pilot of V Victor who landed it on fire in France during the night of 12.6.44. All the crew baled out except Les and the mid-upper gunner who's parachute was burnt by flak,…

Two images of 432 Squadron arranged in nine or so rows in front and on top of a Halifax.
The first image is of the port side and the second is the starboard side.
In front is a bomb on a trolley with 'Easie Squadron' chalked on.
The images have…

Six airmen standing at the rear of their Halifax. They are dressed in flying kit. Their names have been added to one copy of the image

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The eight men are sitting on the wing of a Halifax.
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The four men are sitting on top of a fuselage. They are in full flying kit.
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Les, in flying kit, standing beside a Halifax.
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Three airmen at the rear of Halifax 'Victor'.
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Reg, in flying kit, standing at the font of a Halifax.

An airman standing on the starboard wing of a Halifax. A second airman is watching out of the cockpit window.

A man identified as a rigger at the rear of Halifax 'Victor'.

Three airmen identified as the ground crew for Halifax 'Victor'.

A Halifax crashed into a bunker. 12 airmen are in attendance.
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Two Halifaxes viewed from a third. One Halifax is coded 'PT-C'.
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The nose of a Halifax painted with a cartoon of 'The Lusty Duke' and 62 operations.
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A port side view of a Halifax under maintenance with engine trestles and engine covers. A member of the ground crew is working on one engine.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are…

An airman in the mid-upper turret of a Halifax.
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The rear turret of a Hakifax.
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An air-to-air view of the starboard side of a transport variant of a Halifax.
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A starboard side air-to-air view of Halifax seen from slightly above.
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A starboard view of the front of a Halifax being refuelled and loaded with bombs.
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A Halifax taking off with its tail up.
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A view across an airfield with more than 12 Halifaxes.
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Two airmen are sitting on some bombs. A third is posed behind them. Further behind is the tail of a Halifax.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

Two versions of the same strip with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 - captioned 'Joyce and her MT divers "joined in" on sports day GD 45/6?'. Six women, one on left in uniform, the others in civilian dress, four standing two sitting by the cab of…

Two versions of the same strip with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 - captioned 'Heavy transport drivers on right George and Hardy GD 1945'. Four men standing in front of four lorries (at least one of which is a petrol bowser) with nose of a…
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