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  • Tags: pilot

Forty airmen wearing tunics and side caps sitting and standing in four rows. Several men have an "x" above head or on their shoulders. On the reverse 'Pete top left, 56 course 37 SFTS Calgary Alberta Canada, May - Sep 42, "x" LACs, Tabory, Gelfices,…

Membership card made out to No 5855 W R P Perry DFC

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Part of document - includes medical officers certificate - recommendation for commission. Followed by similar document with different signatures but same recommendations and extra remarks. Both signed by WRP Perry.

For William Roy Peter Perry - gives some personal details and list postings and re-mustering. Includes form for temporary service in Canada with list of postings. Notes awarded flying badge. Commissioned 18 May 1943.

1. Application filled out by William Roy Peter Perry. Gives some personal details and other information.
2. Training report from 29 operational training unit giving marks for ground examinations and flying times.

Contains personal details as an airman. Includes note of award of flying badge and list of postings.

To officer commanding 242 Squadron RAF Oakington from Flt Lt William Roy Peter Perry requesting postponement of release for 6 months.

Letter informing AOC 5 Group that Sgt William Roy Peter Perry was commissioned in rank of pilot officer. Issues new service number.

Commissioning of airman GD branch - information on employment as pilot and hours flown.

RAF uniform tunic with flight lieutenant rank and medal ribbons for Distinguished Flying Cross, 1939–1945 Star, Air Crew Europe Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal, War Medal 1939–1945.

Top left - an airmen wearing tunic with sergeant rank and pilot's brevet standing with his arm round a woman standing alongside. Taken in a garden with large brick house in the background.
Top right - an airman wearing tunic with pilot's brevet,…

Four head and shoulder portraits of for men. Sam is top left and he is in uniform. There is a pilot and a soldier but the fourth man is in civilian clothes.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality…

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RAF Form 551 - a medical report for the pilot of the Wellington that Sam lost his life in.

Six airmen in battledress laughing and smoking cigarettes standing by the rear turret of a Lancaster.

Five airmen standing inside a building with curtains behind.

W G Didcote's crew with 115 Squadron standing in front of a Lancaster. 1944-45. Third from right: W G Didcote; third from left: B A Rowe-Evans.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

On the left eight ground crew sitting and standing wearing belted leather jerkins. One man has a bandage on his head. On the right, six members of aircrew. They are standing underneath an aircraft.
1944-45. Far right: W G Didcote; standing, fourth…

A head and shoulders portrait of J Rowe J41261.

Top left - cockpit of a York with pilot visible. Captioned 'Dum Dum airport, Calcutta'.
Top right - an airman wearing shorts, shirt and peaked cap standing by the centre tail fin of a York. Captioned '"Taffy" feeling tired at Dum Dum'.
Bottom left…

Head and shoulders portrait of an RAF officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and peaked cap. On the reverse 'Flying Officer WRP Perry'.

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Head and shoulders portrait of an RAF officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons (including DFC). On the reverse 'Flt Lt WRP Perry DFC'.

Three-quarter length image of an RAF officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons leaning on a wooden fence with hands in pockets, with field behind and houses in the distance. On the reverse 'from the "engagement album, P.I.'.

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Cloth pilot's brevet with accompanying note explaining it was worn on battledress on flying duties and wear on left wing was due to parachute harness.

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Note explaining why author's father and several pilots of 106 Squadron arrived singing Java Jive over the radio (R/T). Station commander was not impressed.
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