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  • Tags: military service conditions

Relates journey to new station and 115 Squadron somewhere in Norfolk/Suffolk. Arrived at Honnington but no 115 Squadron. Arranged transport to correct base at Wretham. Well looked after at Honington by American maintenance squadron. Many other…

Bill writes he will now be staying at East Wretham for the time being. Possible conversion course in two weeks but currently training on Wellington. Pilot arrived after touring country looking for Honnington. Most crews have now arrived. Describes…

Complains at receiving no letters from home. Have done no flying at pilot has injured his knee again. Has found a local YMCA. Little news to report.

Bill has received her parcel and letter. Visited Bury St Edmunds. Describes area around camp and where it is in relation to part of the village. Would be a good place to use his bike when it is repaired. May remain there but could move if parent…

Written as cadet from posting wing. Sending washing home. Will be glad to get away from current location. Describes daily activity, a friend and going to Westminster Central Hall. Suggests that hardest part of Initial Training Wing will be aircraft…

Writes of mail received and complains of time taken but will be worse when he gets to Scotland or California. Christmas approaching. Went to chapel and had good carol service. Catches up with home news. Speculates on future as aircrew and possible…

Writes of guard duty, gas exam and inoculations and their effect. Talks of food and domestic matters. Catches up with home news and makes requests for specific food when he gets home

Writes of daily activities and course progress including marks for exams. Notes if he fails as pilot he would be happy as an observer. Worse subject is Air Force law. Mentions other subjects such as hygiene. Only 3 weeks before leave and discusses…

Announces he will be coming home next Friday and states arrival time. Also due further leave. Catches up with family and home news. Hopes they had good Easter, wished he was there. Notes that Eastbourne was crowded over the weekend, weather was good…

Mentions late arrival time at home and plans to fill in day until train. Mentions navigation, meteorology plotting and medical exams over next couple of days.

Writes of sending cash and asks about getting savings certificates.

Personnel march between two rows of wooden huts. All men are wearing side caps, carry gas masks and training materials. Captioned 'Wireless Training School, Yatesbury. July, 1940'

In the centre a turret on top of a fuselage with the guns pointing to the right. Inside the turret the head and shoulders of Henry James Flowers wearing a flying helmet can be seen looking towards the camera. Behind the turret part of the port tail…

Colin is seated at the wireless operator's station on Lancaster 'Just Jane'.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Top left in the background a line of trucks parked on the roadside under trees. In the foreground a group of airmen some sitting eating and some standing under trees.

Top right group of four airmen on a river bank or lakeside framed by…

Looking forward in an Anson's cockpit. A pilot is at the controls of the aircraft.

Letter to brother Henry, Lil and Barbara from 75 Air School in South Africa from Arthur Wright. He describes sailing to Durban. He is impressed with the food, the city and the people. Then a 23 hour train journey to the camp. He discusses his social…

Rear turret of a Lancaster with aircrew sitting inside. The turret is pointing towards port side. The starboard tail plane is visible behind. On the reverse 'Rear Gunner'. Second photograph same as first. On the reverse 'F/Sgt Patton, rear gunner,…

Rear upper fuselage of a Lancaster showing the mid-upper turret with aircrew inside and guns point up to port. In the background the horizon shows aircraft banking to port. On the reverse '1944, D J Allen, M/upper gun turret, taken in mid air,…

Top fuselage of Lancaster showing mid-upper turret with aircrew inside and guns pointing up to port. On the reverse 'F/Sgt D J Allen M/upper'.

Poem written on RAF Waddington notepaper called The Homing Bomber. It describes a damaged bomber and its wounded crew making its way back to the UK.

Front of a Lancaster showing front turret and bomb aimer's cupola. Aircrew wearing flying helmet and goggles in the cupola looking at camera. In the background open ground and hedges. On the reverse 'W/O Sutton Air Bomber April 1945'.

Photograph 1 Loading a bomb into a Lancaster 'X'.
Photograph 2 Sergeant Syd Marshall at his flight engineer's position in a Lancaster.
Photograph 3 Sergeant Syd Marshall in uniform, standing with a woman.

Sergeant Syd Marshall at the flight engineer's position in a Lancaster cockpit.

Photograph 1 is of Lou Morgan at the controls of the Lancaster, captioned 'Lou Morgan (left)'.
Photograph 2 is of Syd Marshall at his position, captioned 'Myself Syd Marshall F/E'.
Photograph 3 is of Nobby Clark standing by a gate, captioned '…
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