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  • Tags: military service conditions

Letter and explanatory note. Remarks that it had been eight week since he had leave and he could use some now. Mentions that he expected to go to a squadron later that week. States that previous night was first night free for a week due to weather…

Letter and explanatory note. Says that he had little time to write as he had had briefings every night that week but had only managed one trip. He was expecting that night's operation to be scrubbed. He states his total now stands at eleven, nine to…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes while playing housey-housey (bingo) in the mess. Describes some events over Christmas including cycling 40 miles to meet Mary, going for walk and going to see a film. Describes life at his station, mentioning…

Letter and explanatory note. Thanks him for parcel and was pleased with contents. Thanks his father for lending him his knife. Describes some activities and conditions but says he is behind in his correspondence. Catches up with news of friends and…

Letter and explanatory note. Mentions recent sergeants' dance to which officers could be invited. Gives a detailed description of an escape exercise that his crew and three other took part in. Mentions that they have a new wing commander who was…

Letter and explanatory note. Reports arrival of family mail. mentions operations to Augsburg and Schweinfurt getting good photographs of the latter. Mentions an electrics failure on return from Augsburg and had to divert to airfield on the south…

Letter and explanatory note. Catches up with news of father's activities. Mentions he had done quite a few operations recently including Augsburg, Schweinfurt and Stuttgart. Writes that they had to divert to a fighter base on the south coast and had…

Peter Lamprey writes about bombing operations to Bochum and then Kassel after which German aircraft followed them home and bombed runway as they went in to land, subsequently putting the airfield unserviceable with anti-personnel bombs. In conclusion…

Peter Lamprey notes that he is writing while on guard duty at a remote location. He mentions that he has only got his final boards to take and he is waiting for results of his application for night fighters. He writes about increasing numbers of…

Writes that he has settled down at new station and that they are now with an Australian squadron who are more easy going that the English. Comments on good conditions on new station. Mentions stating his accountancy course and that they are deep in…

Thanks him for airgram and apologises for not replying sooner. Says that he had been mucked about after doing a lot of flying and then being posted to an Australian squadron. Catches up with news and gossip asking how he was getting on. Continues by…

Pete Lamprey writes about his life whilst stationed at Royal Air Force Church Broughton. He is angry at the amount of Royal Air Force disorganization and the long walk to any of the nearest towns for social activity.

Peter Lamprey notes that they have been grounded for ten days and had received congratulations from Group Headquarters over the Peenemunde operation. He then describes an operation to Nürnberg when they were engaged by two fighters over Mannheim.

Peter Lamprey writes about his basic airman’s training and social life in the Royal Air Force whilst stationed in Blackpool.

Peter Lamprey writes about basic airman’s training and his life in the Royal Air Force whilst stationed in Blackpool. He concludes with some speculation about taking his gunnery course as all other courses are full.

Peter Lamprey writes about his life undergoing basic airman’s training whilst stationed in Blackpool. He makes comments on cross country running and problems with various sergeant trainers.

Peter Lamprey writes about life in the Royal Air Force whilst undergoing basic training in Blackpool.

Peter Lamprey writes of his life towards the end of his basic training for the Royal Air Force basic in Blackpool. He mentions Morse code training and that he has been accepted for aircrew.

Peter Lamprey writes that he is now officially in the Royal Air Force. He passed his aircrew medical. He is stationed in Blackpool North Shore and will not be getting any leave soon.

Peter Lamprey writes that he has reached the end of his Royal Air Force training course in Blackpool and has passed his final test. He is awaiting posting and will inform friends as soon as he knows where he will be going.

Peter Lamprey writes about his life in the Royal Air Force including intensive physical training and Morse code training.

Peter Lamprey writes about life in the Royal Air Force while training as an air gunner.

Peter Lamprey writes about his life training in the Royal Air Force including his busy schedule, his gratitude for the stamps and lack of leisure time.

Peter Lamprey writes about life in the Royal Air Force including aircrew training, exhaustion and what he got up to on his leave

Peter Lamprey writes about basic and wireless operator/air gunner training in the form of a poem.
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