Browse Items (215 total)

  • Tags: Cheshire, Geoffrey Leonard (1917-1992)

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing building right of centre inclined downward with flare bursting on the right edge. On the reverse 'Mirror Reversed, Cam 4, Neg 3, Ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date 10/11-3-44, Sqdn 617,…

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing building left of centre inclined downward with large flare bursting in the left edge. On the reverse 'Mirror Reversed, Cam 4, Neg 2, Ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date 10/11-3-44, Sqdn…

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing building left centre inclined upward a with large flare bursting in the centre of image. On the reverse 'Mirror Reversaed, Cam 4, Neg 4, Ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date 10/11-3-44, Sqdn…

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing building left centre with large flare bursting in the centre of image. On the reverse 'Cam 3, Neg 4, Ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date 10/11-3-44, Sqdn 617, pilot W/C Cheshire DSO, DFC,…

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing building right centre with large flare bursting in the centre of image. On the reverse 'Cam 3, Neg 3, Ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date 10/11-3-44, Sqdn 617, pilot W/C Cheshire DSO, DFC,…

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing buildings on right hand side. Bright spot on the right between the buildings. On the reverse 'Mirror camera, reversed crossed out. Cam 3, Neg 2, Ops 142, date 10/11-3-44,Sqdn 617, pilot W/C Cheshire DSO,…

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing a line of three buildings centre right inclined downwards. There is a bright trail on the left side. On the reverse 'Mirror - reversed, Cam 4 neg 2, ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date…

Inclined aerial photograph showing completely dark image with fire in centre. There are a few spots of light around the fire. On the reverse 'Neg 2 Cam 2, 139, run 2, Night attack on Gnome Rhone Wks, Limoges, Date 8.2.44, Sqdn 617, W/C Cheshire DSO,…

Inclined aerial photograph showing completely dark image with fire centre right. There are a few spots of light around the fire. On the reverse 'Neg 1 Cam 1, 139, run 3, Night attack on Gnome Rhone Wks, Limoges, Date 8.2.44, Sqdn 617, W/C Cheshire…

A sequence of three inclined aerial photographs showing a group of buildings with a large flare bloom above them. Cheshire's aircraft is moving towards the top of the images with final image just showing flare. On the reverse '[..] 4086B'

Inclined aerial photograph showing a line of buildings with flare bloom on bottom edge and a smaller one top centre, On the reverse '139 Neg 1, Rhone Gnome Wks Limoges, 8.2.44, 617, W/C Cheshire DSO, DFC, W/C Cheshire marking target, mirror camera'.

Reports that this was the fourth constructional works target for the squadron. One P-51, one Mosquito and 17 Lancasters were detailed. States it was another difficult target and describes marking efforts. Reports difficultly in finding aiming point…

Date: 4/5 July 1944, target, zero hour 0130 hours. Lists leader and marker 1, Wing Commander Cheshire flying P-51. Marker 2 in Mosquito and 17 Lancaster carrying one tallboy bomb each.

Notes that despite allied bombing, V-1 campaign against London and South East continues. Notes decision to attack V-1 storage sites. 617 Squadron were to join 5 Group attack and use using 12,000 bombs to collapse roof of caves in which bombs were…

Date 25 June 1944, target, zero hour 0905 hours.Lists leader and marker 1 in P51, two more markers in Mosquito and 17 crews in Lancaster carrying tallboy bombs.

Date 24 June 1944, target, zero hour 1750 hours. Lists leader and marker no 2 crews in Mosquito and sixteen crews in Lancaster all armed with Tallboy bombs.

States date 19 June 1944, Target constructional works Watten, zero hour 1915/1931. Lists leader/marker Wing Commander Cheshire and marker 2, Squadron Leader Shannon in Mosquito with 18 crews flying Lancaster all armed with Tallboy bombs.

Explains that the enemy had brought much vaunted secret weapons into action including V2 missile. Five launching platforms were known to exits and 617 as a precision bombing squadron to destroy these sites. First target allotted was at Watten to the…

States date 15/16 June 1944, target, zero hour 2235. Shows Wing Commander Cheshire leader and marker in Mosquito and 22 crews flying Lancaster all armed with Tallboy bombs.

Account of operation against sheltered E-boats in Le Havre harbour. Tasks to assist Navy in their fight against E-boats who were operating against allied invasion forces. States pens would be invulnerable even to 12,000 lb bombs therefore, bombs…

Specifies date - 14/15 June 1944, target and zero hour 2235 hours. Lists crews with Wing Commander Cheshire leading along with two other markers flying Mosquito and 22 crews flying Lancaster all armed with one Tallboy bomb.

Provides date - night 8/9 June 1944, target- railway tunnel and bridge, Saumur, zero hour - 0200. Leader and marker no 1 - Wing Commander Cheshire flying Mosquito. Lists pilot and navigator of two other markers flying Mosquito. Lists 25 other crews…

Relates that in response to request from the Army a planned operation was cancelled at late notice and replaced by operation against the railway tunnel at Saumur. As accurate bombing was required it was decided to use the recently available 12,000…

Top left. Head and shoulders photograph of Ivor Jones, in uniform, captioned 'Sq Ldr Ivor Jones 1941 Linton on Ouse', ''The Colonel' had been previously Indian Army'.
Bottom left. Photograph of Mary Brown, civilian clothes, seated in a field of…

On the left Leonard Cheshire wearing white overcoat holding glasses. On the right Rosemary Lapham in a dark coat smiling towards him. In the background a marquee.
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