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  • Tags: military service conditions

Writes it is end of first day of new exhausting schedule. Wishes she was already there and safe from bombing. Suggest she comes 31 January or 1 February if not sooner. Mentions shopping in Woolworth and arrangements to pay inland revenue. Hopes she…

Writes he is very tired having had to put out fires all night and get up early. Describes daily routine. Complains he has had no letter from her for 5 days. States maths exam went well and now no more exams until end of course. Continues on 16/1/41…

Writes he is in a happy frame of mind having been reassured about her. Continues with daily activities and reports on hunt for accommodation for her and mentions problem with pets. Discusses cost of accommodation. Mentions cold weather cancelled…

Starts with long discussion on getting rid of piano. Discusses remustering and his preference unlike other not to go to pilot but remain as observer. Writes he has booked her bed at nursing home and accommodation. Writes of when he will be able to…

Writes he is impatient for her to arrive so he can spend an hour or two a day in her company. Encloses a travel voucher. Has filled out formal application but had to put in date although this was not yet fixed. Put down 25 January 1941 and explained…

Updates her on progress of travel voucher which he now encloses despite it having wrong date. Explains what to do if railway will not let her travel on later date. Reports unsuccessful attempt to visit landlady. Regarding news from her latest letter,…

Thanks her for card and arrival date. Hopes she can come a day earlier as he has next afternoon off. Mentions her parcel had not turned up and he had seen Chaplin film. Writes there has been outbreak of flu on his flight and hopes he will not catch…

Wishes him a happy new year and relates a dream she had about the future. Writes of the difficulties of finding a maternity home and other possible plans of moving closer to him if he passes his course and can find out where he will be posted when he…

Writes thanking him for his letter and news. Comments that they seem to agree that she should try and move nearer him if he could stay in current location. Comments that air raids haven't been heavy in her location but acknowledging that he was…

Writes wishing him happy birthday an hopes that parcel she has sent arrives in the day. Mentions she is sending photograph album to remind him of events over year they have been married as well as other items (cigarettes, socks and cake). Writes that…

Writes thanking him for letter and sorry he has flu and not to meet her at station if he is ill. Talks of travel plans.

Writes of current frustration and housework issues and of socks she is sending him. Mentions she heard on radio that wives of servicemen can travel cheap on railways, but he needed to get a voucher from his unit. Comments on nursing home and…

Long letter where she deals with issues of her moving to be with him in Aberystwyth providing he has sorted accommodation and nursing home. Notes they will have two weeks together as he is due posting. Writes of her issues concerning their dog who…

Writes she is sorry he has not heard from her and details letters and parcel she has sent. Asks that he gives his opinion on the way forward with gardener. Relates her daily activities, shopping trips and baby preparations. Provides detailed list of…

Writes on her research on bathing babies. Talks of people visiting her and meeting man who is taking over their allotment and having difficulties with him over woman who Ursula had agreed to allow to collect current crop. Mentions arranging for…

Continues to discuss where she will go and mentions alternatives, joining him and problems of him moving on during his training. Writes of baby matters. Mentions getting a letter from her sister sent before recent 'Blitz' and is not sure if she is…

Writes that she is urgently waiting his reply to her telegram but nothing yet. Hopes that she will be able to join him and asks him to get travel voucher for her and her dog. Describes parcel received from mother with his birthday present and some…

Comments that his suggestion to go back to London before travelling to Scotland to join him is not a good idea. Talks of travel arrangements and other arrangements she has made including those for her dog.

Writes about packing up her things and having to leave her dog. Mentions financial issue and catches up with family matters. Continues with news of travel arrangements.

Writes of days activities including issues with ration cards. Mentions organising savings group and other activities and catches up with baby news. Mentions blackout. Writes that she has had a reply to advertisement and home help has appeared. Talks…

Writes that she is sending parcel with socks and cigarettes. Mentions she has received belongings of released internee who will arrive soon. Continues with news of sister, other friends visiting and her plans for other activities. Writes about her…

Writes that she has been billeted and that she is very disappointed and cut up about him not getting a commission. Hopes that he might be chosen for specialised training on strength of his navigation results and get another chance of a commission.…

Replies to his previous letter and hope the weather will be good so he can finish his high level bombing training. Encloses latest photograph of daughter Frances and writes of laundry and books. Continues with mention of fire watch schedule and…

Bill Cooke's Service and Release document which covers his time in the service from 6 August 1943 to 17 March 1947.

James Ferguson Latimer was born in Edinburgh. His family emigrated to Canada when he was young but moved back to Scotland in 1939. He recalls witnessing a German U-boat torpedo a ship as they sailed back home. Latimer joined the air force and…
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