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  • Tags: arts and crafts

A colour postcard drawing of three Albacores attacking a convoy.

A colour postcard drawing of three Whirlwinds.

A colour postcard drawing of two Hurricanes in a dog fight.

A colour postcard drawing of two Lightnings engaged in a dog fight.

A colour postcard drawing of a Liberator flying over a convoy.

A colour postcard drawing of a Halifax.

Poem about crews preparing for flight and taking off watched by station commander and off duty WAAFs. Typewritten version with annotated revision notes.

Multi-line poem about post operation debrief of aircrew. With considerable handwritten editing and notation.

Covers early life and reasons for joining up. Mentions initial posting to flying control at Grimsby followed by posting to Cranwell for training in flying control. Postings to Grimsby and Fighter Command Norfolk. Goes on with Katie's description of…

Commemorative image of a Lancaster airborne - torn on right side. Captioned 'Nurnberg 25/26.II.43, F/Lt Walker, Sgt Goldsmith, P/O [...], Sgt Ward, Sgt Jones, Sgt [..], Sgt Broome, Sgt Davies'.

Water colour of the head and shoulders of a man sleeping with his head on a pillow. It is captioned in pencil: 'The Sparrow !' and signed by the artist 'broome'.

A commemorative drawing of a Lancaster on the ground with its engines running. Below is written: 'MILAN 44 SQUADRON 14/15 FEBRUARY 1943' and below that: 'F/LT WALKER, F/SGT WARD, F/SGT CHARNOCK, SGT GOLDSMITH, SGT HUBBARD, SGT DAVIES.' It is signed…

A drawing and a photograph both mounted on an album page.
Left: A commemorative sketch of a Lancaster flying above clouds or smoke, with its bomb bay doors open. Below is written: 'SGT BROOME. F/LT WALKER. SGT WARD. 44 SQUADRON TURIN. 4/5.2.43, …

Magazine of 48 Air School, South Africa. On the front cover is written: '1801494 LAC ROYALL G.L. 27/6/43'. The magazine contains articles of local and war news, a description of what life is currently like in Britain, photographs of key personnel at…

Magazine of 48 Air School, South Africa. Contains articles on local news, letters of thanks, entertainment, keeping fit, sports reports and results, poems, personal experiences in the RAF, sketches showing life at RAF Woodbrook, South African…

42 air school magazine. Articles, cartoons, artwork, club information, sports news, poems, advertisements, editor, padre, news from other stations in southern Africa, weddings and births, sports results.

Pat's research into her father's RAF life. He was shot down over the Netherlands and was protected by locals until he gave himself up. He was held at three prisoner of war camps and towards the end of the war he was forced into the Long March.…

Five annotated photographs and a sketch of life in a prisoner of war camp.

Kenneth MacKintosh describes the camp theatre and its many productions. He praises Ley Kenyon's drawings. All this was interrupted by the start of the Long March.

A group of prisoners marching through the camp gates, passed a sentry box and watched by guards.

A partly coloured sketch of a theatrical group with a caption September 1st 1943 to January 27th 1945. Character include a man in a wheelchair, and two men dressed as women.

Actors on the stage being watched by an orchestra in their pit and a handful of spectators. Several actors are at a table while two Royal characters are on a raised area.

The theatre's wings with an actor and two stage hands.

Seven men at work making props. Two men are working on a dresser. A Red Cross crate is in the foreground.

A view of the hut used as a theatre. Two trees are in the foreground
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