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  • Tags: reconnaissance photograph

Reconnaissance photograph photograph of city centre with major road running top to bottom and railway lines on right side. Captioned in 1956 Memoir between pages 26-27 'Cologne after first 1,000 Bomber raid 1942'. On the reverse 'Cologne, C2550'.

A vertical photograph taken of the destruction of Cologne. Almost every building has been destroyed. The cathedral is in the bottom right corner. Submitted with caption: 'The results of bombing on the centre of the German city of Cologne, February…

Aerial photographs taken from directly above showing damaged buildings, the railway station, rail bridge over the Rhine and the cathedral. Captioned 'Cologne, AMPS/767/92 4-7-43'.

Low altitude aerial reconnaissance photograph showing damage to and around Cologne cathedral: the railway station is partially visible on the right with extensive damage to canopy and some track damage. Rubble has been cleared, several tramcars can…

Propaganda leaflet featuring an aerial vertical photograph of Hamburg after a Royal Air Force operation. Buildings are either completely destroyed or gutted, light falling through the gaping windows. Text describes fronts closing in, the Royal Air…

A newspaper cutting describing a night operation by Mosquitoes on the Ruhr followed by USAAF day bombing. Attacks were also made on Berlin and the Gestapo building in Copenhagen.
On the reverse are adverts.

A vertical aerial photograph showing the airfield, south-west of Deelen, Arnhem. Three runways in the “A” configuration are seen, with the two main runways forming the top of the “A” at lower right. Hangars and other airfield buildings are to…

Top left - reconnaissance photograph showing the port of Dieppe. Basin running middle left to top right with many barges tied up. River runs above top edge of basin with industrial building between. Below basin more industrial buildings and a further…

Two reconnaissance photographs of the Donges oil refinery, near Nantes in France before and after the bombing operations.
The photographs were released for publication in newspapers.
The second photograph shows extensive damage with many buildings,…

A vertical aerial photograph of Mainz Hoesch Benzin Synthetic Oil Plant, and Westfalenhutte steelworks located north-east of Dortmund city. The image shows cloud, craters, and extensive bomb damage amongst the predominately factory and other…

Reconnaissance photograph showing the canal running left to right with a destroyed river over canal bridge circles in the centre. Many bomb craters both sides of canal.

A vertical aerial photograph of Dreux, with rail facility in lower left quarter. Main line runs from rail facilities to top right, with secondary line veering off to the right and curving down to bottom right hand corner. Town is above the railway,…

Oblique aerial photograph at low level showing docks, waterways, buildings and other port facilities. No vessels are visible. Across the centre four wide moles numbered 1 to 4 from right to left. The area has been heavily damaged with bomb craters,…

Oblique aerial photograph of Dunkirk docks. The entire area has been extensively bomb damaged. In the bottom half, a triangular shaped area of dockland with roads and railway lines. There are several damaged buildings without roofs and destroyed…

Top left an aerial vertical photograph of Dunkirk docks. A river runs from the sea bottom centre in a curve to top centre. Docks with moles and basins are to the right and the town is to the left of the river.

Top right an aerial vertical…

Reconnaissance photograph showing lake on left with breached dam half way up on left. Farmland fields top right. Captioned between page 47-48 of 1956 Memoir '[heading] 617 Squadron [/heading]
[caption - written vertically on LHS of page presumably…

Vertical aerial photograph of bombed workshops. It is captioned 'Essen (Krupps)'. Majority of buildings shown are damaged or severely damaged, many are entirely without roofs. One smaller building to upper centre with a clerestory roof appears…

Three photograph cuttings with text cutting at bottom. Photograph 1 shows multiple industrial buildings with railway lines running top left to bottom right. There is damage to roof of buildings on the right. Photograph 2 shows Krupps works before the…

A magazine of aerial photography covering anti-invasion preparations at the Hague, anti-tank obstacles at Scheveningen, flooding from the Mohne Dam, U-boat bases and port damage, factories, railway stations, camouflaged storage tanks, marshalling…

A magazine of aerial photographs covering incendiaries dropping on Dusseldorf, port and industrial areas, captured enemy equipment, railway sidings at Antwerp, a seaplane base, a Fw 190 under attack, boat shelters at Dunkirk, camouflaged hangars at…

A magazine of aerial photographs covering bombing of Kiel shipyards, the Potez aircraft factory, flooding after the Moehne dam was breached, repairs to the Sorpe dam, bombing of Heligoland and Dune, the port of La Pallice, the port of Naples, damage…

A magazine with a collection of aerial photographs showing bombing damage in Germany, Industrial areas, railway stations, a port, a night fighter airfield, a factory, coastal defences at Cherbourg, catapult ships, Fiat G12 aircraft and a mystery…

A collection of aerial photographs of B-17s and B-24s on operations, shipyards, factories, scuttled French fleet, an attack on a convoy, Antwerp forts, airfields, Leghorn port, the camouflaged airfields at Aalborg and Kerlin Bastard and two images to…

A magazine of aerial photographs covering the bombing of Cologne, railway yards, factories, gun battery, Copenhagen, two prominent island landmarks, an attack on a U-boat, storage depot, the Schneider works at Le Creusot, Do 217 s at Munich and Dijon…

A magazine of aerial photographs of incindiary bombs dropping, a formation of Fw 190s, the bombing of Aachen, Turin, operations over Sicily, the port of Taranto, a gas factory and colliery, a railway junction, a coastal battery, combat film of the…
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