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  • Tags: bombing

Describes heroic action of a Halifax flight engineer, bomb aimer and wireless operator during operation dealing with fire and wounded crew.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

Photograph of the centre section of an airborne bomber releasing incendiaries and a 4000 lb bomb. Description underneath.

Two articles. First gives brief description of two operations against Stuttgart 41/2 hours apart. Second describes attacks against German gun positions near Flushing as well as German HQ on low countries front.

Short article states Lancasters dropped more that 1500 tons of bombs on Havre after the Germans rejected latest surrender ultimatum. Also attacks on Emden.

Two newspaper cuttings describing attacks on Essen with only 8 planes lost. Ruhr has taken on new significance as front lines only 50 miles away. Mentions attackers had to fly through snow storms and that Germany had lost much of its radar network.

Two articles. First explains that 2,200 British and American heavy bombers attacked widespread targets in Germany in daylight. Second article explained that RAF attacked Essen by day after previous night attack. It was one of the RAF's biggest…


Describes attacks by 2,200 big bombers ranged over western Germany. 6000 tons of bombs dropped for the loss of only six bombers. The RAF contributed 1000 bombers and made their chief target a return visit to Essen. Give some description of operation.

Top left - photograph of a Tallboy bomb. Main photograph of a Lancaster dropping a Grand Slam bomb. Text explains photograph is of a 22,000 lb bomb leaving rack during attack on a viaduct at Arnsberg, Germany.

Retrospective historical account of results of operation on Hamburg dated 3 August 1943, Gives size of operation, casualties and account four bomber command attacks, resulting fires, damage to port and city. Includes b/w photograph of destroyed…

Announces that his parents from Louth had received news that their son Flight Lieutenant Harold William Bratley had been awarded the DFC. Gives details of former employment. Mentions that on his first tour he and crew came down in occupied enemy…

Brief account of bombing of Bremberg marshalling yards near Cologne by USAAF B-17 and RAF Lancasters, both by day.

Target photograph of city visible between breaks in cloud and smoke. Falling bombs visible bottom centre. Captioned 'More bombs go down in inferno that was Duisburg'.

Two articles. Both provide brief descriptions of RAF attack on Bonn.

Description of attack on Essen home of Krupps.

Report on the use of new 'Ten-Ton Tess' bomb. Notes effect of burst and release.

Article with b/w photograph of shoreline with flooded craters marked as 'gun positions'. Breach indicated by arrow. Explanatory text explains photo shows sea water swirling through breach made by RAF blockbusters in dyke guarding island of Walcheren.


Photograph of airborne Lancaster releasing incendiaries with description of operation against Duisburg.

Briefly describes 1000 RAF Lancaster and Halifax opened assault on Havre.

Articles describing two attacks on Duisburg twice in 18 hours. Includes b/w photograph of aircrew and William Troughton.


Article - Allied aircraft for the loss of two planes dropped more than 10,000 tons of bombs on Le Havre. Enabled ground troops to to win port after brief attack. effect on defenders and praise for accuracy of bombing.

Relates story of Lancaster on operation to Berlin being hit by night fighter fire which wounded crew and damaged aircraft. Returning home with wounded crew and belly landed.

Reconnaissance photograph showing cratered landscape with caption explaining that this was part of fortress area of Le Havre after the RAF's 5,000 ton daylight attack.

Notes that Harold Wakefield was engaged on special duties dropping the new 1--ton bomb. Notes he had done 58 operational flights and volunteered for his third tour. Stated he was previously awarded DFC and gives some personal details. Includes b/w…

Article describing attack on Leuna synthetic oil plant and subsequent nights operations on three other targets. This was the fourth successive night attacks by the RAF on Germany.

One single article covering with three separate columns. Headlines - RAF double attack on Schweinfurt, Regensburg plane works devastated, Big British forces out last night. Accounts of attack by British and Italian based American heavy bombers on…
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