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  • Tags: ground crew

Five photographs, two are of Jack and Johnny Green afloat in a raft made from aircraft drop tanks, reverse, captioned, 'Johnny Green & self Brindisi - Italy 1944'.
Third is of Jack and another individual on a beach, the reverse captioned 'Brindisi,…

A group of four airmen wearing a mixture of blue and tropical battledress standing by the starboard wheel of an aircraft.

A large group of airmen arranged in five rows, the top row standing on the wing of a Lancaster. The image is divided in three.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The centre section of a group photo of 49 Squadron. The group is arranged in five rows, one row is standing on top of a Lancaster.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

AM Pamphlet 130 giving guidance on expected behaviour, Leave, NAAFI health and work.

Five photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a street scene, captioned 'Elphinstone St. Karachi'.
Photo 2 is a large building, captioned 'Paradise Cinema, Karachi'.
Photo 3 is a group of 13 airmen, captioned 'No 2 Shift'.
Photo 4 is a flooded…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is three footballers.
Photo 2 is 11 footballers.
Both are captioned Flight Mechs XI.
Photo 3 is 14 men, captioned '23 Billet and Bearers'.
Photo 4 is Lord Mountbatten, captioned 'Lord Louis Mountbatten at…

Page captioned 'Brindisi Italy 1944 'Drop Tank' boat race, Jimmy Green and I win!!'. Six photographs, first drop tank race competitors gather on the water, reverse captioned '16/7/44 Darling xx, Just a little chatter before the race Love Jack'.…

Page captioned 'Brindisi Italy Feb 1944'. Five photographs, first is group of servicemen in front of wooden building, captioned 'Brindisi Italy 1944, Second top left'.
Second is group of servicemen, building in back ground, some looking out of…

Page captioned 'Misurata N/Africa May 1943, On guard, tented accom, visit to Leptis Magna'.
Five photographs, first is of Jack, rifle slung over shoulder, tin hat on, standing on a rocky outcrop, desert background. Captioned, 'Misurata, North…

Page captioned ''Peter the Panther', - 'Taf' O'Hanlon, self - Bob Watson on mid upper turret'.
Three photographs, first photograph is of Halifax on the ground, cockpit and turret covers on, servicing ladders in position.
Second is of Jack and one…

Two photographs, first is of Jack on motorcycle, captioned 'Just off on a run'.
This is a Norton model 16H 490 cc motorcycle with a Canadian Army registration number.
Second is of four servicemen, standing on sand, buildings and tents in…

Page captioned 'Fayid Egypt July 1942, No 76 Squadron detachment became No 462 Squadron together with No 10 Squadron detachment. Read page 79 of Halifax - Operation Bareface'.
Three photographs, first is of nine servicemen in front of lorry,…

Head and shoulders portrait of Jack, captioned 'Tel Aviv Palestine - July 1942 based at Aqir'. Reverse captioned 'To the best little darling in the world Jack xxx'.

Two airmen working on the nose of a Halifax. Nose art is visible, including a cartoon rabbit and 'Yehudi'.

It is captioned '"Yehudi" Halifax V DK-226 coded ZL-Y 427 Squadron 6 Group RCAF Leeming Yorkshire 1943'.

This item was sent to the IBCC…

Two airmen at the nose of a Halifax. Nose art is visible, including a Disney Cartoon Mr Grasshopper figure and 'Yehudi'.

It is captioned '"Yehudi" Halifax V DK-226 coded ZL-Y 427 Squadron 6 Group RCAF Leeming Yorkshire 1943'.

This item was…

The nose of a Halifax with two airmen working. There are two images. In the first the men are on the nose and in the second they are on the ground. Nose art of a Disney Cartoon Mr Grasshopper figure can be seen on the Halifax.

It is captioned…

1863228 LAC Barrett, R. Service and Release Book from RAF Kirkham. Serving in RAFVR from 11 November 1942 until 31 January 1947, as a Flight Mechanic Engines. Contains very brief details of his service.

Detailed account of his travels around the Middle and Far East

Raymond spent his time in the R.A.F. overseas, this lengthy memoir covers the period July 1943 until August 1946. He served in the Middle and Far East and Italy. He was an Engine Mechanic/Fitter and this is his story. The memoir has maps of his…

A squadron photograph of many airmen arranged in six rows at the front of a Lancaster with an seventh row on top of the wing. On the reverse '460 Sqn. RAAF March 1943 Aircraft 'R Robert' Lost on Skoda Raid April 17th 1943 24 Operations'.
Two further…

Three views of Lancaster under maintenance. Photo 1 has an engine trestle at the nose. In front is a tractor with a bomb trolley carrying incendiaries. Photo 2 has several engine access frames under the engines and a long stepladder at the nose. A…

Side view of a chocked Lancaster with its engines running. Underneath is an airman and a trolley accumulator. The hatch at the rear is open with a ladder visible.

A close up of the front port side of Lancaster 'Y' . The port inner engine covers are off and the engine is running. An airman is underneath observing the engine and a trolley accumulator is visable behind the main wheel.

A sergeant airman sitting over the port inner engine of a Lancaster.
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