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  • Tags: sport

Starts with account of movements in RAF for 1941. Continues lwith entries for daily activities. Embarks Greenock, Leaves Milford Haven on 8 January for voyage across Atlantic and describes voyage to Canada. Arrives Moncton 20 January describes daily…

First photograph, captioned 'PO-Y the second', is Lancaster from port side, parked on dispersal pan, airfield in the the background. The second, captioned 'Bill Maurer W.O.P.' his upper torso in flying kit, including parachute harness and oxygen…

Photo 1 is a man in a suit rowing a boat, identified as Dick Osmond.
Photo 2 is a woman leaning on a boat, identified as Lena Hodge.
Photo 3 is a couple including Arthur Thomas.
Photo 4 and 5 are two different couples in two boats.
Photo 6 is a…


The racecourse at Lebong seen from the hills directly above. On the reverse 'The smallest, highest and crookedest race course in the world. The buildings around are the hospital. I was in the one marked "X". This picture is taken from Darjeeling…


Five people, three men and a women with one hidden all wearing tennis gear and one man with suit and peaked cap standing by a tennis court net, Taken in Potsdam in 1936. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Leonard Dorricott and two men wearing swimming trunks are sitting on a chain fence by a swimming pool. Leonard Dorricott is on the right. There are palm trees in the background.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by…


Les' record of his time as a prisoner of war. Lots of sport and camp plays and musicals. He escaped in September when Italy made peace with the Allies. He describes his journey to British lines then back home.

The diary starts with a letter stating that Les is missing and believed killed. In reality he had become a prisoner of war. It is subtitled 'Diary June 3rd 1941 to Nov 6th 1943 Life as a POW'

Alan writes thanking his parents for a letter and parcel. He describes his daily routine. It appears very tiring but the food is good. He went to Durham one sunday.

Alan writes that he has received a parcel from his parents. He is being kept busy. There is plenty of sport and he has been to communion. He asks for a compass set, ruler, clean rags and pyjamas. The food in the mess is very good.

Writes about his boxing match and playing rugby. Mentions weather, low temperatures and recent snow blizzard. Expresses that he is not impressed with Canada and has little news to report. Catches up with home news and reports that he is getting on…

Begins with catching up with news from home. Mentions not much chance of leave but that he has had photograph taken of himself. Writes that Brighton is change from previous locations and describes activities. Went to see an ice hockey match between…

Tells of meeting land girl on train while returning from leave. Writes of games afternoon, played golf. Writes of changes to plans for next leave because has the 'fateful medical' the next day. Notes very good weather.

Letter to his sister Myra Price. Apologises for not answering her letters. Writes of people he had met in South Africa who had previously lived in Wales. Recounts his activities at a sports day.
Additional information about this item was kindly…

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Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling. He provides details of sport activities and test scores.


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling.


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling. He is on summer holidays and visiting Mrs Gregory daily. Enjoying sports and receiving various exam results.


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling. Discusses school sports, especially the Newton Cup and the house sports league.


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling and his recent cricket matches.


Letter from David Boldy to his father telling him of sports results.


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling. Discusses exams and cricket, as well as noting the monsoon season is soon to begin. His scout master has asked for parents to send…


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling, particularly results in exams, competing in the high jump and hopefully able to join the running teams.


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling. Recounts about recuperating from an illness and general sport activities.


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling: a chickenpox out break, cricket and meeting his mother.


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling, He refers to visiting his mother, his brother Stephen in the scouts, and playing cricket.


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