Letter from David Boldy to his father



Letter from David Boldy to his father


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling, He refers to visiting his mother, his brother Stephen in the scouts, and playing cricket.




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Two page handwritten letter


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St. Pauls School
[deleted] Jalo [/deleted] Jalapahar.

My darling Daddy.
Thank you for your letter. I will try very hard indeed. We had our 1. [underlined[ ST ]/underlined] Exam yesterday, it was an English Exam. We are in quarantine for Chicken pox, and therefore can not ses Mummy, but if no one else gets it in the next 5 or 6 days, we will be out of quarantine. We sent a letter to Mummy to-day. There are two new masters this year. Their names are M. [underlined] r [/underlined] Bean and M. [underlined] r [/underlined] Wordworth, who is M. [underlined] rs [/underlined] Pelly's brother. M. [underlined] r [/underlined] Bean is a very nice man inddeed [sic], I like him very much. I think he is going away very soon. I am not in the choir this year, as my voice is gone. We are saving up and have already got 12 annas saved up. By the end of the year we should have a good amount saved up. We will tell you every week how much it has got too. [sic]. We had a cricket match yesterday the school verses [sic] the odd numbers, who only brought up six men. So five of the s [inserted] c [/inserted] hool had to play for them I played. First inns I was balled 1. [underlined] ST [/underlined]ball by M. [underlined] r [/underlined] Coombes, because I was nervous, but in the 2. [underlined] nd [/underlined] innings I was caught in the sixth ball. I am in the 1. [underlined] ST [/underlined} game at present. We have [deleted] got [/deleted] quite a

[page break]

good team this year. We are friendly with nearly every one. Cotton hall are allowed to join the tennis club. May we join please. The price is 3 [symbol] for the whole year. I am glad to hear everything is alright at home. Please send our best wishes to everyone. Sunno is quite happy, he is more happy in the school than in the rectory. His bed is next to mine. Never mind about the Guava Jelly, we have got some that M [underlined] rs [/underlined] Kine gave us. Havelock house that is my house should do very well this year. We do not feel the cold very much heer [sic]. [deleted] I ha [/deleted] We will be doing half of our next year's [deleted] jun [/deleted] Je. work in Geography this year. M. [underlined] r [/underlined] Clarks is ill, he has got dairia [sic]. He is going away to England for 8 months, he has got bad Rheumatism. Haven't I written a nice long Letter.?. With lots of love
and kisses from your
loving son
[underlined] David [/underlined}




David Boldy, “Letter from David Boldy to his father,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/435.

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