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  • Tags: prisoner of war

A note written to John whilst he was a prisoner of war. The note is from Christine writing on behalf of a friend, Iga, who is unwell, asking John to write to her.

A memoir of an operation involving Len Curtis and his crew members. During the operation his aircraft was shot down and Len was captured. However, he was liberated by American soldiers and returned to London six weeks later.

This item was sent to…

Postcard from prisoner of war, John, number 250760 to his parents and Joyce, sent from the camp, saying that he is well. It includes a coloured drawing of a snow-covered cottage with a holly border.

Sent by John from prisoner of war camp to his parents and Joyce expressing his hope that he reaches home before the postcard. It includes a coloured drawing of some holly and a prisoner with a red triangle on his back looking through a barbed wire…

From Iga a prisoner of war in an adjacent camp telling John of her move to a women only camp near the sea.

John, standing outside with trees in the background. He is wearing a side cap and his uniform shows his sergeant's stripes and his air gunner's brevet. On reverse 'To:- Sergeant J.W.G. Saunders prisoner of war no.250760 Stalag Luft III (Stalag IVB)…

Dairy contains drawings, poetry, names and addresses, and cigarette packets.

John volunteered to join the RAF in 1940 wanting to become aircrew as a wireless operator as he had an interest in early radios. While awaiting his aircrew application to be processed he did his initial training at Blackpool and then onto RAF…

She discusses Ron Edwards who was a communal friend. JA Taplin had met Ron in their Stalag.

The card says they have nothing new to write about but he asks for his concertina and clarinet. It is signed by nephew Ron and John.

The letter asks about mail and hints at progress in the war. He asks after friends and family.

The card asks if they are receiving his mail.

The card is signed Ron, John, Edwards. They ask if they have received his letter.

He has received two letters from his aunt and uncle. It is signed Nephew John.

He is well and hopes they are well.

He asks for more mail from home. He is philosophical about his incarceration.

He hopes all are well.

He writes that he has just had his Christmas dinner. He hopes he will be home by next Christmas.

He asks for his clarinet, two dozen reeds and his concertina.

He asks after his family and friends back home.

She writes that Ron has died and asks him to write back. If John wishes to visit his grave then she will assist.

He writes that they are fed up.

Gordon wishes them well and explains it is very hot. He signs the card as Navigator.

The two men shared incarceration in Germany. He asks if Johnny got back safely.
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