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Two aerial photographs.
The first is a target photograph taken at high level. Bombs are visible falling to centre left. A railway is seen running left to right in the bottom half, with marshalling yard in the centre. Below the railway is a river…

Propaganda booklet about total war containing photographs quotes and text about bombing.

Oblique aerial photograph of Köln cathedral and surrounding area all showing heavy bomb damage. Photograph is looking west with railway station in the right hand corner.

Oblique aerial photograph of the harbour of Pula in Croatia centered on Otočić Sveti Andrija. The photograph focus is poor and has been folded several times resulting in horizontal tear marks cross the image. A big smoke cloud is rising from an…

Low altitude aerial reconnaissance photograph showing damage to and around Cologne cathedral: the railway station is partially visible on the right with extensive damage to canopy and some track damage. Rubble has been cleared, several tramcars can…

Target photograph of docks at Dunkirk. A body of water stretches from the left side to the top middle with a tidal flats at the left end. From the middle bottom up to the lower bank of the waters is Mole 6 with multiple railway sidings on the left…

Oblique aerial photograph of the town of Aachen with a large number of multistory buildings, the majority of which are damaged and without roofs. A railway runs from top left to centre top with some wagons on the left end, Two streets run slightly…

Oblique aerial photograph of Duren railway station and railway yards. In the centre a railway marshalling yard with multiple tracks towards the left side with many strings of railway rolling stock. In the centre slightly right is the main station…

Oblique aerial photograph of Duren. A city landscape of largely destroyed buildings. A principle road runs from bottom left diagonally to top right. Another curved road runs from bottom left to the right side where it joins a further road running…

Oblique aerial photograph of destroyed city landscape with some standing multistory buildings, but primarily large areas reduced to rubble. A road runs from bottom right diagonally to centre left. Another runs from bottom left to middle right. Where…

Aerial inclined photograph of Cologne Cathedral looking south. At the bottom left is part of the roof of the railway station. In the foreground a small open area with a tram in the centre. The cathedral is surrounded on all sides by multistory…

Oblique aerial photograph of the Hohenzollern bridge over the Rhine at Cologne. The river Rhine runs from left diagonally to the right, On the far bank a narrow parallel canal, the Rheinauhafen, beyond which is a city landscape of multistory…

Aerial inclined photograph of the city of Cologne looking north. The river Rhine goes from left to right with one large meander. Three bridges cross the river as to turns back to the right. The furthest bridge is destroyed with the right hand two…

Oblique aerial photograph of city landscape with multistory buildings and roads. The Wuppertal suspension railway follows the course of the Wupper river from lower right. A railway runs from top left in a slight curve to right middle keeping to the…

Oblique aerial photograph of Wuppertal with the suspension railway above and following the course of the river Wupper. The suspension railway runs from bottom left to top right. Above the river is a built up area amongst wooded hillside with open…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a large number of railway sidings running from left to right. At the bottom left is a railway turntable with a large number of tracks spreading out towards a large building on the right hand side with part of its…

Aerial inclined photograph showing railway sidings running diagonally from left to right with a large number of interspersed bomb craters. Around the craters in the bottom left quadrant the railway tracks have been twisted and broken. Three lines of…

Aerial inclined photograph showing city landscape in the lower two thirds with open country beyond. In the foreground a square grid of roads surrounded by multistory buildings. Many buildings are damaged or without roofs and a large number have been…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a snow covered city landscape with multistory buildings. A road leads from bottom centre towards the top left with another road joining it leading off towards the top right. In the foreground are a number of…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a factory complex surrounded at the top with multistory town buildings and to the left by gardens/allotments. In the centre a large factory complex with long buildings running diagonally right to left and above them…

Aerial inclined photograph showing snow covered, mostly industrial landscape. In the foreground multistory town buildings with some showing signs of damage. One quarter way up, just left of centre is a church with damaged tower and roof. Beyond this…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a large industrial area with destroyed roofs. Five long industrial buildings orientated diagonally from left down to right with roofs totally destroyed. In the centre at the is a large crater surrounded by buckled…

Aerial inclined photograph showing industrial buildings in a city landscape. At the bottom long factory buildings go from left to right with areas of damaged roofs on the nearside. Above this area another damaged industrial complex is orientated…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a town with almost all buildings damaged or completely destroyed. In the foreground parkland with trees and a few scattered damaged buildings. There are a number of bomb craters visible. In the centre the main part…

Aerial inclined photograph showing snow covered flat open countryside with a few marked field boundaries. In the foreground on the left part of a fenced field with a few boundary trees. In the distance more wooded countryside. Captioned 'Flooded area…
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