Südbrücke in Cologne and marshalling yard
Südbrücke in Cologne and marshalling yard
Two aerial photographs.
The first is a target photograph taken at high level. Bombs are visible falling to centre left. A railway is seen running left to right in the bottom half, with marshalling yard in the centre. Below the railway is a river running parallel to railway. Top half shows open fields with road running left to right above the railway. On the right top a road runs bottom to top and a village where roads cross.
The second is an oblique aerial photograph of the Südbrücke bridge over the Rhine in Cologne. The river is running from top right to bottom left. In the centre running diagonally from top left to bottom right is the destroyed Südbrücke bridge. Only the left and right bank abutments and the central tower are standing, the deck has completely disappeared under water. Several small craft are in the water or moored to jetties. Bomb craters are visible around the left abutment.
Identification kindly provided by Marco Fasolato.
The first is a target photograph taken at high level. Bombs are visible falling to centre left. A railway is seen running left to right in the bottom half, with marshalling yard in the centre. Below the railway is a river running parallel to railway. Top half shows open fields with road running left to right above the railway. On the right top a road runs bottom to top and a village where roads cross.
The second is an oblique aerial photograph of the Südbrücke bridge over the Rhine in Cologne. The river is running from top right to bottom left. In the centre running diagonally from top left to bottom right is the destroyed Südbrücke bridge. Only the left and right bank abutments and the central tower are standing, the deck has completely disappeared under water. Several small craft are in the water or moored to jetties. Bomb craters are visible around the left abutment.
Identification kindly provided by Marco Fasolato.
Two b/w photographs mounted on a scrapbook page
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PBubbGJ16010050, PBubbGJ16010051, PBubbGJ16010052
“Südbrücke in Cologne and marshalling yard,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 18, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/1119.
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