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  • Tags: service vehicle

Two photographs of bombs being loaded.
In photo 1 there are nine airmen behind a trolley of bombs. It is captioned 'L to R, - Wilson, Bowles, Phillips, Williams, Sheppard, Williams, Self, Osborne, our French Canadian.'
In photo 2 are five armourers…

Seven Airmen and Halifax MZ282'Sweet Adeline' AL-A'. On the bomb is written '1000th Sortie. Don't give up Adolph there's more coming. The Bison Squadron'.
On the nose is 16 bombs and 'Sweet Adeline'.
It is annotated 'PL-29631'.

Seven airmen grouped in front of their aircraft with three ground crew sitting on the wing. A refuelling truck is present.
Information supplied with the collection states 'The crew in the Autumn of 1943, at Tholthorpe; Standing left to right Bomb…

A small six-wheeled lorry and trailer being used as transport for aircrew. Additional information supplied with the collection identifies the location as RAF Tholthorpe.

A group of airmen being transported to their aircraft on a lorry with a trailer.
On the reverse 'Crew 'bus' Tholthorpe Going out to aircraft for ops 1944' and 'Photo Reg [indecipherable]' and 'Tholthorpe'.

A port side view of Halifax 'KW-S'. Trolley accumulators in the foreground and a fuel bowser in the background.
On the reverse 'MZ454 KW-S of 425 Sqn Tholthorpe Taken Nov 44.
This aircraft crashed after take off on ops 5/3/44 [sic incorrect date,…

Two ground crew, their tanker and a refuelling a Halifax.
A second image shows the top half of a Halifax.

Two airmen sitting on the port outer engine of a Halifax during refuelling operations.

A bomb bay loaded with bombs and incendiaries.

Eight airmen and ground crew posing on and behind a laden bomb trolley. Painted on the bombs is 'Hitler's Haunters Ghost Sqdn 2000 Sortie'.
Behind is a Lancaster 'P', identified in the Inventory as 'KB760 NA-P'.

Two photographs from the race day.
In the first a large airman on a small donkey watched closely by two small boys and a large crowd on the sidelines. On the reverse 'Tom Perry wins by a push on "Gasper".'
In the second photograph a group of airmen…

Stan Shaw driving a tractor in front of a Wellington. In the background is a man on a bicycle On the reverse 'U.T. Tractor Driver!! Aden. Jan. 1947'.

A crashed Mosquito being recovered by Stan's team. Seven ground crew are posed at the front of the aircraft. Their lorry is parked at the front. On the reverse 'Mosquito Crash Swannington 1944-45 No 9 Salvage Party 54 M.U. R & S'.
In a second image…

A large number of FV 1601 Humber 1 ton trucks. All have canvas tilt hoops but no tilt, and similar loads of large boxes. They are parked on a level space in open country, hills in back ground.

Three photographs, first badly damaged vehicle, second small ship in a harbour, third Jeep towing a loaded trailer parked on a quay, bungalows on stilts in background.

Three photographs, first two individuals posing with Jeep and two trailers outside a building, trees in the background, second the Grand mansion on Mount Sophia Singapore, third soldier posed on bumper of military vehicle outside a building.

Two photographs, first individual posing with military vehicle in front of a building, second is of two individuals posing with a Jeep and two trailers outside a building, trees in the background.

Seven airmen dressed in flying kit and sitting on bombs on the bomb trolley. Behind is their Lancaster.
The crew members are identified 'Des Egan, Rocky Owen,George Warren, Steve Quinn, Self, Bill Williams, Dave Menzies'.
Additional information…

Five men sitting on top of a fuel bowser. On the reverse '22 [circled] 3 prints 4 postcards
Cyril Bell
Tony Tine
Paddy Aherne
There is a second copy.

A bomb load waiting to be loaded onto Lancaster 'R'. A pilot is sitting on a 4000lb bomb. Incendiary device cannisters are on the trolley behind

Covers duties of M.T. officer, establishments, servicing and maintenance, supply, repairs, lights on service transport, markings on vehicle, licensing of vehicle, types of run, authority of runs: driving licenses, co-ordination of M.T., records to be…

A group of airmen arranged in three rows in front of a Mitchell.

Two airmen standing in a yard, watched by two children. Behind is a convoy of trucks. Further behind is a row of houses and two church steeples.

Two photographs with the same men.
Photo 1 is of four airmen, including Colin, seated on a jeep with 'Photo' printed on the front, under the windscreen.
Photo 2 is the same four men sitting on a jeep. In both images there is a brick building…
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