Browse Items (131 total)

  • Collection: RAF Metheringham collection

Air-to-air photograph of a Battle aircraft. Captioned 'Battle 1 (K7639) of No 106 Squadron (M.o.D. Photo.)'. Submitted with description 'M.o.D photo entitled "Battle I (K7639) of 106 Squadron"'.

Eleven people most in uniform including one woman and another woman in civilian dress standing in a group in front of the porch of a church. Submitted with description 'A group photograph at the porch of a church. The parish name on the sign above…

Top - view inside a building showing block of toilets in the centre and wash basins against far wall. Submitted with description ' Toilets at Lamsdorf POW Camp, Stalag VIIIB. (Stalag 344 from 1943)'
Bottom - air-to-air photograph of the front of a…

Top - aircrew member in battledress sitting on a bomb trolley with 8000lb bomb under an aircraft. Submitted with description 'An aircrew member in battledress with an illegible half-brevet sat on a bomb trolley under an unidentified aircraft. Also on…

Top - air-to-air photograph of two Hampdens in formation. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of two 106 Sqn Hampdens - ZN-K and ZN-F'.
Bottom - three Lancaster parked on dispersal with another two visible in the distance. Submitted with…

Building reduced to metal framework with a tracked vehicle centre bottom with three soldiers in line moving left to middle. Submitted with description 'Photo of damage to a military transport factory in Bremen after allied air attack'.


A convoy of military vehicles with jeep leading, driving along road through town with damaged buildings and rubble on roadsides. Submitted with description 'British military vehicles passing through the town of Bremenhaven [sic], May 10th 1945'.

Top - target photograph showing Bordeaux with Garonne river top right. Captioned '2005 METH 11.8.44//8". 18,000" 010 degrees, `16.33, BORDEAUX E. 6x2000. C. 36 sec. F/O MEREDITH E/106'. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Bordeaux on 11th Aug…

Top - target photograph showing tracer lines and explosions. Caption too faint to read. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Gnome-Rhone factory at Gennevilliers on 9/10 May 1944. Photo taken from Lancaster ND682, ZN-K. Captain: P/O…

Seven airmen some with brevet visible sitting on steps outside a building. In the background some deck chairs. Title 'Syerston Officers Mess. Captioned 'Some of my chaps outside the mess at Syerston, F/Lt Beeston, F/Lt Browne, F/Lt Stephens, F/Lt…

Ground to air photograph of a Lancaster flying to the right dropping food parcels with cheering crowd at the bottom below. Submitted with description 'A card with a photograph of a Lancaster dropping food parcels. Printed on the card: "Operation…

Top - ground level photograph showing anti-aircraft tracer and searchlights with buildings silhouetted at the bottom. Submitted with description 'Night-time photograph of what appears to be searchlight and anti-aircraft artillery activity. Date and…

Group of men and women in civilian clothes in a large room. Submitted with description 'Colour photograpgh of 617 Sqn reunion. L-R: #2 G Rice (?), #4 William Tait, #5 Prince Bernhard, #6 Lady Cheshire, #7 Leonard Cheshire. Date and location…

Top - Ronnie Churcher wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons sitting in the right hand seat of the cockpit of a Vickers Viking (VC1) looking back. Submitted with description 'S/Ldr Ron Churcher seated in an aircraft cockpit'.
Bottom - a…

An RAF officer wearing tunic with brevet seated at a piano alongside a woman wearing dark dress holding up a sheet of paper. In the background left a bookcase with a vase of flowers and figurine on top. Submitted with description 'S/Ldr John "Dim"…

Six aircrew wearing parachute harnesses standing talking to a man in civilian clothes. In the background a Lancaster. Submitted with description 'Under Secretary for Air Geoffrey Lloyd talking to 35 Sqn Pathfinder aircrew at Gravely'.

In the foreground, a railway track with completely destroyed buildings beyond and U-boats nearing completion. In the upper left corner, a collapsed crane. In the middle, a ship in a drydock. To the right, a metal structure for submarines building.…

Destroyed industrial site with just tangled metal framework remaining. A man in uniform standing centre at bottom. Submitted with description 'Photo of a bomb-damaged machine shop at Krupps Works, Essen. An unidentified serviceman in battledress is…


Top - a reconnaissance photograph of results of a bombing attack. From a newspaper article. The photograph shows the Mittelland canal running bottom left to top right and very many bomb craters concentrated in middle with canal edges and embankment…

Top - two men, one in uniform, standing with two women, one wearing floral dress. In the background a house. Submitted with description 'A group photo of two women and one man in civilian dress with an unidentified RAF aircrew member in service…

A large group of airmen wearing battledress or tunic with side or peaked caps sitting and standing in five rows in front of a Lancaster. Submitted with description 'Formal group photo of 106 Sqn aircrew, 1945. Taken in front of Lancaster PB677'.

Half length image of three pilots wearing tunics with brevet and (the right hand two also medal ribbons), with peaked caps standing in front of a Lancaster with Mickey Mouse nose art. Submitted with description 'Photo of, left to right, S/Ldr John…

An airman wearing tunic and side cap standing on wing by cockpit of a crashed Battle resting in a field with no undercarriage and bent propeller. Submitted with description 'P/O Peter Ward-Hunt standing on starboard wing of crashed Battle'.

Two identity/travel documents in German and French made out for Paul Camus. Submitted with description 'German/French travel and identity documents for Paul Camus dated 12 Apr 1944. The significance of "Paul Camus" is unknown'.

Top - full face portrait of a man with handwritten caption 'Danny Walker (Shannon)'. Submitted with description 'Photo of the head of a man. The handwritten caption reads: "Danny Walker (Shannon) (8). This suggests that the subject is Sgt J A Walker,…
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