Browse Items (262 total)

  • Collection: Powell, Norman Ivor

Airmen's Mess menu for Christmas day 1943.

Document for passengers in B-24 aircraft. Passenger on their way home. Lists crew members including i/c passengers. Provides information and rules for passengers.

A thirteen page collection of target photographs and sortie reports.

Page 1: Vertical aerial target photograph of Argenta. Some roads, houses and open fields are visible in the upper half of the image. There are also canals, rail tracks or roads…

Covers all aircraft systems with diagrams. Includes aircraft layout, fire extinguishers, fuel system, flight controls, hydraulics, bomb door operations, flaps, undercarriage including emergency lowering, brakes, oxygen system, booster pumps, fuel…

N I Powell’s Flight Engineer’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 9 August 1944 to 25 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as flight engineer. He was stationed at RAF St Athan (4 School of Technical Training, RAF…

Letter written to Mr B Luke at Air Service Training from Norman Powell's wartime skipper. Gives Powell's wartime service background and states he was one of the best flight engineers on the squadron. Recommends Powell for aircraft engineering…

Commiserate over his requirement to go to hospital but they had to suspend his award as it it could only cover full-time study. Award would recommence once he resumed his course.

Encloses King's Badge for members of the armed forces, the merchant navy, the home guard and civil defence organisations who were disabled a a result of war service.

Commiserates that he had not been able to return to studies and suggests he contacts ministry of national insurance to claim sickness benefit.

Informs him of maintenance grant would continue at rate of £230 per annum.

A 6 page collection of target photographs and sortie reports.

Page 1: Sortie report for an operation to Bruck Marshalling yards

Page 2:Vertical aerial target photograph of an unknown location showing some ground detail as tracer trails. Not all…

Gives qualifications as aeronautical engineer. Education and employment history including service in the RAF from 1943 to 1947. Management experience and family background.

Acknowledges receipt of application for extension to aircraft engineer's licence in category "C". States that he would not be subjected to normal examination procedure. Asks him to return enclosed form.

Acknowledges preliminary application for category "C" extension to cover DH Gipsy Queen 70 engines and invites him to attend written examination.

In connection with written examination for category "C" ask for confirmation of attendance for oral examination.

Concerns application for extension of licence.

Acknowledges preliminary application for licence extension to cover DH 82 [Tiger Moth] and invites him for written examination.


Acknowledges preliminary application for licence and invites him for written examination.

Acknowledge preliminary application in respect of "A" extension to include DH 104 [Dove] and invites him to attend for written examination.

Satisfied technical requirements for category "A" licence for DH 104 landplanes [DH Dove].

Concerns application for extension of licence.

Asks if he is able to attend oral examination on compasses.

States that he has satisfied requirements for category "A" licence for installation, adjustment and compensation of direct reading compasses in aircraft.

Informs him he had satisfied requirements for category "A" Licence valid for Auster III and V.

Concerns extension to his aircraft maintenance engineer's licence.
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