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  • Collection: Wareing, Robert

She writes that she is sorry she was unable to visit her when she was in Scunthorpe but is now back in London. She has been to the Red Cross to obtain information regarding Prisoners of War and to check that they had received Joan’s letter…

Expresses her joy at the good news and hopes the war will soon be over so that Bob and Joan will be together again.

Expresses concern over news says not to give up hope and that she is praying for her.

Enquires on behalf of the Standing Committee of Adjustment as to how she wishes to dispose of her husband’s Austin motorcar.

Sorry to hear bad news and offers sympathy.


She tells of all her travels and how pleased she is that Bob is no longer ‘missing’ but is a prisoner of war, and hopes he soon recovers from his injuries.

Sorry to hear Joan's bad news.

Sorry to hear news of Bob and offers sympathy.

Sorry to hear the news about Robert.

Writes of her own medical trails and tribulations and other travels and activities. Says Joan must be anxious now Bob is back on operations. Asks how Joan got on at the wedding. Concluded with more gossip.

From RAF Little Staughton station commander enclosing railway concession certificate. Writes of that they could not move cars of missing personnel. Says she could use her own petrol certificates to move it herself.

Say she had not forgotten her and carries on with general news and gossip. Continues with news of activities. Asks if she has had news of Bob and offers sympathy.

Sorry to hear Bob is reported missing, Offers encouragement and invites her to visit,

Writes that saying they are pleased to hear that Bob is alive although a prisoner of war. They continue with general social news and gossip.

Sends sympathy over her bad news. Seems to have been through a similar experience.

Writes that they are sorry they are for her at this difficult time. She is in their thoughts.

She thanks Joan for her letter and gift. She was pleased to hear about Bob. She tells her the latest news and that her boyfriend has been reported missing from Arnhem. Thanks her for photograph and catches up with news of friends, tells of her…

He writes thanking her for her letter and invitation to visit and that he is delighted she has received news from Bob and that he is well. He hopes he will be one of the first to meet him when he gets back. He mentions that he is going to R.A.F.…


Writes she is so happy.

She writes that she is very happy to hear that Bob is safe and presumes he is a prisoner of war. She also writes about her social activities and the weather.

Aviation map sheet 6. Based on ordnance survey.

RAF map from the Wash to Firth of Tay, Shows relief and danger areas.

Starts with hand drawn map of Normandy marking main towns. The author records his experience on or around D-Day of bailing out of an aircraft shot down and on fire, and the subsequent aid given to him by the French Resistance. He also records a…

Second version of a brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest. Slight amendment to…

Arrived safely hope to see you soon love Bob.
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