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  • Collection: Rosser, Lewis Victor

A description of the basic features of the Messier hydraulic system for the retraction of aeroplane landing gear. Text and diagrams.


Top - b/w postcard photograph of four Ansons airborne in formation. Captioned 'Avro "Anson" reconnaissance aircraft'. Captioned 'Queen of the air'.
Bottom - front quarter view of an airborne Lysander. Captioned 'Valentine's aircraft recognition…

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Top - b/w recognition card showing front quarter view of an airborne Defiant. Captioned 'Valentine's aircraft recognition card'. Caption underneath 'Jerries nightmare'.
Bottom - b/w recognition card showing side view of an airborne Wellington.…

Top - b/w recognition chart with side view of a Halifax. Captioned 'Valentine's aircraft recognition cards'.
Bottom - colour artwork card with front quarter view of a Halifax above cloud with squadron letters 'MP-L'. Captioned 'Halifax bomber,…

Includes route forecast, turning points, courses, speeds and estimated times of arrivals.

List of phrases in French, Dutch, German and Spanish. Not to be produced in public.

List flying hours on Halifax, Whitley, Wellington, Anson, Oxford, Hurricane, Defiant, Martinet, Lysander, Hind and Magister. Provides breakout of 2nd pilot, dual, 1st pilot, day and night, solo and total flying. Last page has additions of hours.

Lists army personnel names, service numbers and units. Page 1 (at least) all in Stalag IIIA.

Certificate that Warrant Officer Rosser L V had passed written exam on the Hurricane aircraft and carried out satisfactory practical test on cockpit drills. Covered in handwritten hours calculations front and rear.

Gives meteorological message with data and transmitted code and gives instructions. Notes how it would be plotted on synoptic chart. Stamped RAF Peterborough on reverse.

Details instructions for aircrew arriving detailing transport, duties, meals, messing and water. On the reverse - hints on Bari detailing bathing beach, lack of entertainment in town apart from hotel and NAAFI. advice on eating local fruit.

Fragment of notes. On one side beacon stations, on the other notes on organisation, facilities, stations and radio frequencies.

Album cover - front and rear (both sides).

Top left - a card with 'Perkins E M, Sgt 748102' captioned 'This card was one of three that were stuck on the door of a room in Magdalene College Cambridge. Jonny Phillips, Ted Perkins and I shared the room. The card is Jonny Phillip's handiwork.…

Titled 'No 11 course A Squad W.O/AGS commencing 3-11-40'. Ten airmen wearing tunics with half brevet and side caps sitting and standing in two rows. Names back row left to right 'Sgts Creedy D, Napier J K, Wright K, Banham D W, Flavell D'. Front row…

Titled 'No 11 Course A Squad observers commencing 3.12.40'. Five airmen, four wearing tunics with half brevet and one a greatcoat, all wearing side caps sitting in a row. Names left to right 'Sgts Beckett S N, Bryer R, McMaster W F, McAlonan O,…

Left - colour artwork from rear of an airborne Hudson flying over a convoy of three ships at sea. Titled '"Hudson" reconnaissance'.
Right - b/w artwork looking down vertically onto a Hudson.

Top - b/w artwork showing an Anson low over a life raft with survivors at sea. A ship approaches from behind. Caption 'Avro Anson directing a ship to survivors on a raft'.
Bottom - three Hind biplanes airborne in vic formation over open countryside.…

Left - two airmen (reversed image) one wearing tunic and the other battledress, both with half brevet, standing side by side, arm in arm with foliage in the background. Captioned 'Thorpie & Scottie, No 58 Squadron, Linton'. Right - an airman…

Left - full length image of an airman wearing flying jacket and boots standing in a garden with hedge and house in the background. Captioned 'For'.
Right - the same airman now also wearing flying helmet with oxygen mask (on face) and goggles,…


Left - three airmen wearing battledress with half brevet and sergeants rank, standing arm in arm with foliage in the background.
Top right - small coloured player's cigarette card with artwork of a Whitley. Captioned 'Armstrong Whitworth "Whitley"…

Left - full length image of an airman wearing tunic with half brevet and side cap standing outside a brick house with window. Captioned '"Connie" Constable of No 35 Sqdn, shot down and made prisoner at La Pallice'.
Right - view from behind of pilot…

Left - head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic with pilot's brevet. Captioned 'My old pal "Ed"'.
Right - newspaper cutting with b/w photograph of fifteen aircrew mostly wearing battledress with brevet sitting and standing in three…

Left - missing photograph captioned 'Connie and his first love'.
Right - full length image of a sergeant pilot wearing tunic with brevet arm-in-arm with a woman wearing jacket, skirt and hat. Captioned 'Bride and Bridegroom, Mr & Mrs John Phillips'.

Top left - newspaper cutting with b/w photograph of a wedding party with bride and groom (in RAF tunic with half brevet) and two other men and three bridesmaids. Caption mentions Pilot Officer C R Sugar.
Top right - newspaper cutting - long service…
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