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  • Collection: Valentine, John

Brown cover with title "Scrapbook".

Headlined 'Over a 1000 bombers raid Cologne, biggest air attack of war. 2,000 tons of bombs in 90 minutes. Herald of what Germany will receive'. Article includes sections entitled outstanding success, small losses and 107th raid on Cologne.

Article 1: with headlines: 'a bomber every six second, enemy defences saturated and success of new plan'. Contains outline of operation. special message to crews from Air Marshall Harris, pilots reports, Group Commander sees for himself and German…

Article 1: 'Cologne a mass of fires, pilots' impression of war's greatest raid, ground defences baffled by huge bombing effort'. Mentions reprisal attack on Canterbury. Sections headed: "pageant-like smoothness", 'a perfect raid', 'like a beacon',…

Article 1: Accounts of operations against munition works in Paris, factories in the Ruhr and operations involving over 1000 bombers on Cologne. Goes on with accounts of RAF operations in the Middle East and German communique about Cologne. Article 2:…

How Germany reacts to air attacks. Official counter-measure. Article discusses effect of operation against Cologne. Section on anxious memories mentions that effect casualties on eastern front and air attacks revives first world war saying "Wir…

Barbarous vengeance for Heydrich. Account of execution of men in Czech village of Lidice after assassination of Reinhard Heydrich.


Sub headlines: full partnership in war, M. Molotov's visit to London and Washington, United action for victory. Article announcing treaty between Great Britain and Soviet Russia. Sections titled: Second Front in 1942, Mr Eden's Sp[each. M. Molotov in…

Commando raid on Rommel's HQ, Posthumous award. Account of award of Victoria Cross to Lieutenant Colonel G C T Keyes for his part of a raid on Rommel's headquarters in Libya in November 1941 and an account of the action.

Sub headlines: perimeter breached by air and tank attack, defenders determined resistance, Bardia reported in enemy hands. Article contains account of fall of Tobruk to German forces on 21 June 1942. States 25000 prisoners and German forces in Bardia…

First partial article: after Bir Hakem account of recent activity in desert campaign mentioning German tank tactics. 27-mile perimeter, mentioning that Tobruk was indefensible against really determined attack, Second article. British losses in…

First article: 'Conduct of the war, censure motion to proceed, double debate'. Covers parliamentary no confidence motion and prospective debate on loss of Libya and general conduct of the war. Some believe this is ill advised and offers account of…

First article: enemy fiasco in channel, ships fight each other. Describes action of British naval force where German ships and shore batteries ended up firing on each other. Covers Royal Navy commander's leadership and the enemy version. Second…

First article: Rostov evacuated, fierce fighting on banks of the Don, Novocherkassk also abandoned, Russian pressure kept up at Voronezh. Account from eastern front. Second article: barbarity of Japanese, allied prisoners tortured, prisoners short of…

First article: Mr Ghandi and Congress Leaders arrested, swift government reply to challenge, safety of India first needed, several killed in Bombay riot. Second article: 3 landings in Solomons, U.S. Marines now consolidating, bitter naval fighting.…

First article: discussion in Moscow includes a photograph of Mr Churchill on his visit to Moscow pictured alongside M Stalin, M Molotov, Mr Harriman and Sir Alexander Cadogan at the Kremlin. Second article includes a photograph of St Paul's cathedral…

Article: Mr Churchill on his eastern journey. Account of review of war situation given in parliament by Churchill of events mentioned covering visit to Moscow, talks with M Stalin, growing strength of British forces in Egypt. Malta convoy success,…

Three photographs: top showing two navy ships off a coastline. Middle shows a number of small boats a sea with smoke on left side. Captioned 'Two pictures illustrating part of work done by Royal Navy in the successful Combined Operations raid on…

First article: 'Landings in Madagascar, three points occupied, little opposition. Account of British Empire forces landing in Madagascar'. Includes sketch map. Second article: 'Huge fires in Düsseldorf, powerful raid by RAF bombers. defences worn…


Three articles about reprisals against British prisoners of war if German prisoners are fettered. Claims that Germans captured at Dieppe were chained. First: More British prisoners to be chained, fiercer German threats, Italians join the plot,…

First article: account of national service of remembrance and prayer for British prisoners of war. Afterwards a meeting at Colusseum organised by prisoner of war fund where three women, two mothers and a wife of men in same prison camp sat together.…

Headlines: Rommel's army in full retreat, 9000 prisoners taken, relentless attacks on disorderly columns, commander if Afrika Korps captured. 12 nights and days of attacks by allied forces, General von Stumme captured. 260 German and Italian tanks…

First article headlines: 8th army on heels of fleeing enemy, prisoners expected soon to number 100000, drive ahead, Montgomery new order to his troops. Account of operations in desert against German and Italian forces. Second article mentions…

Article 1: Rapid U.S. advance in North Africa, important aerodromes occupied, little resistance on beaches, successful landing from crippled transport. Reports landings in French North Africa. Article 2: Rommel's panzer army retreat turned to rout,…

Article: headlines: Oran falls to American troops, resistance in Algeria ended, combined assault on Casablanca, British forces land on Mediterranean coast.
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