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  • Collection: Valentine, John

Announces he is back in England. Letter to follow

To wife Ursula. Announces convalescing from diphtheria, detained in RAF Hospital Wroughton. Allowed visitors daily after midday, longing to see you. On the reverse train times.

Announcing that he would be discharged from hospital and home Friday.

Reporting he had been re-admitted to hospital.

Reports he is discharged home tonight.

To Mr Floyd, father of Philip Floyd, mentioning that he was his son's navigator and that he had recently discovered Mr Loyd's address. Expresses concern that he might upset Mr Floyd. Provides description of their last operation on 1000 bomber attack…

Wishes her happy birthday and reminisces over recent walk with her.

Mentions 9th anniversary of engagement and that he had booked table for two at the Bull Hotel, Gerrards Cross, Request she book taxi and ring to confirm arrangements. Envelope with "Mrs Valentine" and diagram.

Sent to Ursula Valentine stating that they were glad to hear that John Valentine had saved his life with one of their chutes. However, they regret that they would not be able to send a badge until after the war due to supply restrictions.

Forty-five airmen sitting and standing in three rows in front of a building. John Valentine is eighth from the right in rear row.

States the organisation through which contact was obtained with Sergeant John Valentine that their secretary had visited Stalag Luft 6 and seen British prisoner of war John Valentine who asked him to convey his thanks to Grünfeld for books he sent…

Explains three religious books that he has sent to John Valentine. Catches up with family news.

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Offers a translation of a letter from Mr Wernekinck in Sweden. Notes that due to help of Swedish "Help the War Sufferers" his son John has been located in Stalag Luft 6. Relates from a man who spoke to his son who had tried to locate him in Stalag…

Notes that they will forward his flying log book.

Headline: the tremendous story of British wartime achievement. What we built, how we mobilized, what we ate, what we spent.

Writes of daily domestic activities and visits from friends. Mentions financial arrangements with her sister and that she will be able to manage household on RAF money and other income. Catches up with family and baby news. Commiserates over his poor…

Writes of daily activities of gardening. SSAFA business and news of neighbours and friends.

Writes that she has made cake which she will send and describes gardening and arrival of blackberries. Sending parcel of socks and book..

Wonders if this will be last letter to him at Jurby and hopes good weather will allow him to complete bombing training. Reports that Mrs Stenzel will leave next Monday. Mentions problems with new daily help and that his parcels containing soap…

Thanks him for his latest letter card and relates tale of 2-way adapter. Discusses what they will get with gift record token and mentions her family's tax affairs. Continues to relate her and their daughter's activities including baking cakes for a…

Writes thanking him for his letter and news. Comments that they seem to agree that she should try and move nearer him if he could stay in current location. Comments that air raids haven't been heavy in her location but acknowledging that he was…

Writes acknowledging how good a husband he is and how much he loves her. She continues with speculation about her future and where she might go. Continues with news of daily activities including looking after her dog. Mentioned that she has enclosed…

She writes about her chores and her cousin becoming a Sergeant.

Apologises for ringing him and catalogues letters sent. Writes of daily gardening activities and jobs to do. Provides news of acquaintances who lost fiance.


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