Letter to John Valentine from his wife Ursula



Letter to John Valentine from his wife Ursula


Thanks him for his latest letter card and relates tale of 2-way adapter. Discusses what they will get with gift record token and mentions her family's tax affairs. Continues to relate her and their daughter's activities including baking cakes for a birthday party.



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Four page handwritten letter


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Start of transcription
10th Jan.
Darling Johnnie,
Thank you for your letter card of 9th. I tried to get a 2-way adaptor in the village today, but they had none, so I’ll try again in Gerrards Cross. I bought a bulb & put it in, but it doesn’t go on – it seems a very temperamental thing. However if I can get a new adaptor, doubtless it will be O.K.
I had a letter from Ba today – she’s a bit nervous lest we shan’t be able to get what we want at HMV with our record
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token & suggests we write & ask them to keep something for us. I don’t suppose for a moment they will, but I’ll write for the Mendelsohn Violin Concerto. I was hoping we’d be able to choose it together when we went up to P.P. on 16th. But it doesn’t look as tho’ you are going to be home by then. I do hope they’ll get moving soon at the hospital & attend to you.
There came a cryptic note from HM. Inspector today re Daddy’s £24 Schedule A – “with reference to your remittance in respect of attached Demand Note, it would appear that this has been satisfied by allowances.
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I am however asking Inspector to confirm & will then give matter my further attention”. I suppose it means something to you, anyway it awaits you here.
Frances had a good time at Joanna’s party yesterday, and ate a fine tea including jelly & lemon pop. I shall be sorry when they leave the village. Afterwards I spent a peaceful evening machining & reading – I’ve nearly finished my book on Earl Grey after all. Today I’ve made about 6 lbs of
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marmalade out of the orange skins, I hope it has set alright.
Now I am invited to Diana’s birthday party, there have been great preparations all morning & much baking of cakes, so I suppose I’d better go along & get it over! I lifted the lid of her saucepan today & found that the brew she’d concocted before Christmas was still there, with whiskers on!
All my love to you darling, & a plague on those beastly doctors!
Yours always



U M Valentine , “Letter to John Valentine from his wife Ursula,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 24, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/20612.

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