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  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1942-07"

Brown cloth cover marked reprinted in India July 1942. Contents: Chapter 1 - appreciations, orders and reports. Chapter 2 - Discipline. Chapter 3 - Signals. Chapte 4- air navigation. Chapter 5 - meteorological information. Chapter 6 - airmanship.…

Dated diary of events from 16 July 1942 until 29 July 1942. Covers daily activities including, news of family and friends, shopping, cinema and work.

Weekly update written as daily diary between 1 July 1942 and 5 July 1942 and including one entry for 31 July 1942. Covers activities and news of family and friends including work and rehearsal for play,

Acknowledges receipt of six letters. Reports he is delighted that Red Cross confirmed receipt of a copy of the camp newspaper they sent and that they would attempt to publish it. Notes that Red Cross clothes parcels are arriving regularly and asks…

Mentions strong wind blowing bringing heat and sand and describes how they manage their days in the heat. Thinks he is better acclimatised than previous year. Reports good supply of Red Cross food and lists contents. Tells story of what they did…

Had received no new letters but was pleased to get a telegram to which he replied on the same day. Mentions problem with a cable that was returned because it needed his Christian name appending which delayed it. Discusses new scheme for cables to be…

Reports that he has now received 49 letters from them that year and the latest two have also arrived. Mentions weather had been extremely hot and it does not get cool until the early hours of the morning. Comments on perspiring and that evaporation…

Discusses mail and cables and reports that problems with cables have been sorted and system should now be running smoothly. Catches up with news from home mentioning they had both had bad colds. Writes about weather at Laghouat believing that it had…

Reports arrival of mail with photographs and cable to which he would send reply that afternoon. Discusses problems with sending cables. Glad that many letters including snaps had arrived with them. Wonders what their garden would look like. Wonders…

Writing again straight away as did not think previous letter covered all the ground. Reports on mail, photographs and cables. Always pleased to receive photographs from them. Mentions trying to get photographic film but it was difficult. He would try…

Catches up with mail with photographs and cables received. Writes that they have obtained film and mentions plans for photographs. Discusses problem with cable he tried to send. Mentions recent visit by Red Cross representative who investigated…

Reports arrival of latest letters, comments on life over the past three years and speculates on future. Notes his views on life, hope and faith which vary over time. Comments on weather and heat and daily routine. Assures them he is fit and well.…

Flying log book for George Ellams covering the period from 10 January 1942 to 30 June 1967. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. Also contains photographs and various RAF documents relating to his service, ranks, proficiency and…

Reports on latest consignment of letters which arrived in May. Catches up with news of friends. Mentions his culinary efforts and that neighbour had brought round rhubarb for her. Continues with more on rationing. Writes of wonderful sunrise, the…

Writes about the weather. Says it was three weeks since his last batch of letters and looking forward to more. Mentions that putting stamps on does not seem to matter and suggests he keep his allowance for food. Relieved to hear that Red Cross…

Writes about inclement weather continuing and about the garden. Mentions that works closes for annual holidays the following week but that they would not be going away except to Manchester for a night. Writes that she had not received a reply to her…

Writes that she has not been well and comments on the weather. Writes that father was out on fire duty and and being wakened by man outside the house. Catches up with news of friends and mentions father might go to Skipton to get more information.…

Writes about correspondence with cable company options for payments and pre-pay for reply from him. Writes of local countryside and weather. Mentions books she is reading and that she has not had replies to last two cables. Delay might have been…

Reports still no letters or replies to her latest cables. Writes of weather and some of their activities. Mentions visit to Cable and Wireless to discus pre-paid replies but does not think they need a monthly account. Encloses strip cartoon from…

Reports sending him a cable and quotes content. Explains that cables have been sent with pre-paid reply for him. Says it will be expensive and asks that he keep that in mind when composing messages. Mentions receiving a cable from him with account of…

Cable received but no pre-paid reply to further cable. Letters dispatched will explain. Holiday week over, both well.

Reports receipt of letter and telegram which took six days to reach them. Mentions sending another cable and quotes content and explains how his cables will now be paid for. Says she will try and send items he requested in next Red Cross parcel. Says…

Writes that by the time he receives this letter he would have been in the RAFVR for three years and that many lessons of life had been learned in that time. Presumes weather had been hot in camp and hoped that his lodging would provide some shelter…

Reports arrival of seven letters with eight photographs. Comments on photograph and lists dates of letters. Glad he gets pleasure from his journalistic activities and that he was over his stomach problem. Catches up with other correspondence and…

Reports that had now received 13 letters from him over the last week and two cables. Mentions message requesting underwear, tooth brushes and other items. Hopes to get parcel away to him in the following week and would includes soap which she has…
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