Browse Items (380 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1939"

Letter thanks Frank Hobbs for his application to join the Royal Air Force Reserve. Further regrets that due to current occupation it would not be in the national interest to accept his offer at that time.

Letter concerning Dennis Raettig's form E.D.60 for enlistment in Royal Air Force Reserve and requesting he complete Form 1764 as soon as possible.

Title 'M.V. Trocas, at sea, 14 June 1939' Chides his son as poor letter writer and comments how useful a typing book is and that crew mates had also got typewriters. He goes on to discuss difficulties of female visiting the ship due to authorities…

Letter from his mother written just after war was declared.. She is sorry that war has interrupted his studies. She describes how it has affected her and the domestic staff she employs in her house. Catches up with family news. Additional information…

A letter from George Shephard Johns sent to his mother and father, Harold Johns and Florence Shephard. George thanks his parents for their letter he received and lets them know he will be starting school and needs some books. He also tells his…

A letter signed by the headmaster of West Bromwich Grammar School, P. W. Butler. The letter concerns the decision to evacuate students.

Complains about speed of mail and passes on new address and mentions mail received. Catches up with family news and gossip.


Thanks her for parcel with cigarettes and tobacco. Writes a little about his circumstances and comments on mail received. Catches up with news of family and friends who was joining up.

Acknowledges receipt of letters and parcel. Writes that he believes Ian had better enlist in the RAFVR and mentions medical issues. Catches up with other news.

Catches up with family news and speculates over future of son Ian and what help he might find for him. Comments on his current circumstances and possibility of leave, Complains about finances and state of pay Mentions journey to a hospital 25 miles…

Acknowledges letters and thanks her for parcel with tobacco. Mentions receiving a letter frim colleague about varieties of RAFVR and how they worked. Mentions French interpreter, his pay and other matters discussed about filming. Continues with…

Written while at Uxbridge after he was attested and issued uniform and expected to be posted on soon. Describes the camp, pay and speculates of future leave.

Written from RAF North Coates. Describes camp location and aerodrome. Points out that location is closest in country to Germany. Describes air raid shelter and accommodation. Mentions E.N.S.A. concert.

Describes a little of his daily activities including a display of 15 types of aircraft they might see in the local area. Describes some of his guard duties. Writes that he has been posted with all wireless operators to Yatesbury. Describes expected…

Written from RAF Yatesbury. Describes getting flu and his journey from North Coates to Yatesbury. Describes camp and facilities. Mentions that he has 6 days Christmas leave.

Argues that his seniority for redundancy should be dated back to 3 September 1939 (not 9 March 1942) as he served earlier during the war and war in receipt of disability pension.

Letter saying he has arrived safely but is not happy about the prospect of war.

Letter from David Boldy to his father about working on a farm in Ipswich with Ronnie, but sacking themselves over a labour dispute/strike; now they have moved to another farm near Colchester instead. They visited Felixstowe on a number of occasions.

Letter from David Boldy to his father about playing hockey, table tennis and his law faculty. He also listened and commented on Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's speech. He will send a photo of him and Dora, who he has asked to the end-of-term…

Letter form from David Boldy to his father about going to the cinema with his brother Steve and his mother. Comments on the European situation, though he doesn't think there will be a war in the near future.

Letter from David Boldy to his father about his good law exams results and visiting aunty Maisie; he now smokes a pipe. He will take Dora to her sisters birthday party and he is still playing tennis.

Letter from David Boldy to his father about the Vice-dean of Laws opinion on his results and sport events.


Letter from David Boldy to his father about bout leaving London for a farm job in Ipswich with his friend Ronnie. His Brother Steve will also be leaving. David played tennis and went to see a play.

Letter from David Boldy to his father about situation in London, war breaking out and his intention to volunteer for the Royal Air Force. He provides details about working on the farm picking plums, getting fit and tanned.

Letter from David Boldy to his father about losing his father’s dog, Prince; applying to the Royal Air Force; and leaving the farm to move back to London as war looks inevitable. He comments that the city is calm and will send some photos of…
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