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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Great britain"

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is nine airmen at the front of a B-24 'O', captioned 'Hastie & Crew Oulton 1944'.
Photo 2 is three airmen captioned 'Lawrence - self Oulton 1944'.
Photo 3 is a side view of a B-24 captioned 'Liberator O…

1. Twenty-five airmen in three rows captioned '6 Squadron 8 Flight C Squadron Morecombe [sic] 25th April 1941'.
2. Seven airmen in uniform and side caps in front of a building. Captioned '156 Squadron armourers outside the Armoury at Warboys…

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is three airmen captioned 'Lawrence -self'.
Photo 2 is five airmen captioned 'Self Oulton'.

A man wearing a suit stands between two girls by the balustrade of a bridge. In the background, the Elizabeth Tower, Big Ben and part of the Palace of Westminster.

Half length portrait of two officers wearing uniform tunics with flight engineer brevet, medal ribbons, and peaked caps, Side by side. Man on the left has pathfinder badge. On the reverse 'L-R, Thomas "Tom" Jones DFC, Roy Baker, May 1946, 1332 HCU…

Two envelopes.
#1 is a registered envelope from the Air Ministry.
#2 is from the Imperial War Graves Commission.

Incident 1. Describes ground loop on engine run up for take off. Pilot subsequently posted away.
Incident 2. Describes watching another aircraft taking off when its flaps fell down and bomb doors opening as it reached take off speed on the runway.…

Photo 1 is of a crash site, captioned ' "Tubby" Spears buys it.
This is probable that this was Donald Seymour Spiers of 218 Squadron. He died 22 April 1945 when Lancaster NF994 crashed at Depden Green.
Photo 2 is of a crash site, captioned '…

Two cheques paid to Stan Attword for his participation in the Granada Television documentary. The first, from David Naden and Associates is for £40 and the second from Granada Television Ltd is for £25. The £25 cheque is from the Chung Khiaw Bank…

The loss of Colin Farrant and the award of a Distinguished Flying Medal to Donald Cochrane are reported in a newspaper article. They were friends who joined up together at the age of 15. Colin Farrant went missing on an operation to Essen. Donald…

First article: discussion in Moscow includes a photograph of Mr Churchill on his visit to Moscow pictured alongside M Stalin, M Molotov, Mr Harriman and Sir Alexander Cadogan at the Kremlin. Second article includes a photograph of St Paul's cathedral…

Article 1. Headlines: Mussolini resigns, King of Italy in command of armed forces, Badoglio as prime minister, two proclamations to the nation, the war continues. Article 2. Account of annual meeting of the London Angus Association.

First article: 'Conduct of the war, censure motion to proceed, double debate'. Covers parliamentary no confidence motion and prospective debate on loss of Libya and general conduct of the war. Some believe this is ill advised and offers account of…

The first is an airman standing at the back of a truck. He has a camera round his neck. In the truck is a sergeant.
The second is a line of nine airmen wearing long coats. The central airman is holding a small cup in his left hand. Captioned 'We…

Two sergeants wearing tunic with half brevet standing in front of a hay stack with bicycles. One is smoking a pipe.

One airman in swimming shorts, socks and hat, the other in trousers, and cap but shirtless. One has a knife or similar and the other is grappling with him. Behind is a bicycle resting on a Nissen hut.

One airman is holding a revolver to his head. He is wearing trousers and no top. A second airman in swimming trunks and socks is looking on. Behind is a Nissen hut.

Front view of two airmen sitting on a David Brown towing tractor.

Pilot Bob Halewood (right) and man named Mark standing in front of a laden bomb trolley with aircraft behind. Bob is wearing a non regulation scarf about his neck. Annotated on the reverse 'Bob Halewood (right) Mark (left)'; 'Bob Halewood + Mark'.…

Half length image of two airmen both wearing greatcoats and side caps. The man on the left has pilot officer rank, the man on the right sergeants rank and a medal on his coat. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse 'Granddad (right) with…

Full length image of two airmen wearing greatcoats and side caps. They both have sergeants rank and medals on their coats. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse '1. Front gunner (left),
2. Rear gunner (right),
2 rear gunner was killed when…

Full length image of two airmen wearing greatcoats and side caps standing on grass. Left man is pilot officer and the right a sergeant. Both have medals on their coats. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse '1. navigator & 2 wireless…

Two airmen, one a warrant officer, standing on a gantry platform by the engine of a Lancaster with open panel.

Two airmen standing in front of two Nissen huts. On the reverse 'Russ'.

Two versions of the same photograph. Two airmen wearing tunic with half brevet and side caps in a group with five women and two men all wearing civilian clothes. In the background is Buckingham Palace.


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