Browse Items (127 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Scunthorpe"

Writes thanking them for their letter and telegram on the day of her wedding. She recounts aspects of the wedding and people who attended with regard to their connection with Robert. She describes her new location and also gives news of the doctor…

Advises her that her husband, Acting Squadron Leader Robert Wareing, DFC and Bar, will remain classified as missing until such time as an official confirmation is received that he is a prisoner of war. They go on to advise on his personal effects and…

Writes that her husband is also being reported by the IRCC as captured and that her husband is being reclassified as a prisoner of war.

Ralph Ottey joined the RAF from Jamaica. After the war he returned to Jamaica. However, he had met the woman he was to later marry while based in the UK and returned to settle here. He settled in Boston and had a long career with a local firm. On his…

Helga Wynne was born into a family of twelve in 1926 in Kiel, Germany. She describes her childhood and her father working as a shipbuilder in the dockyards. She left school at 14 and went to work on a farm. She fell through the hayloft opening,…

The author writes expressing her delight at the good news she has received from the recipient. She further mentions two women with RAF connections and family missing in action or prisoners of war who the recipient might visit.

Writes thanking her for her letter and enclosing a copy of a letter which he had written to the Air Ministry.

He writes that he was delighted to receive the good news regarding her husband and that the Group Captain also sends his good wishes. He regrets that he is unable to provide her with her husband’s log book as that is the property of the Air…

He writes thanking her for her letter and regretting that there is no further news of her husband and is unable to provide any information on the target of his operations. He hopes that good news will come soon.

Two certificates for A/Squadron Leader R Wareing DFC RAFVR mentioned in dispatches 14 January 1944. List of stars, clasps and medals with x on four medals/stars.

Certificate that name of Flight Lieutenant R Wareing DFC, RAFVR was published in the London Gazette as mentioned in dispatches.

From RAF Central Depository advising personal effects consisting of suitcase, bag and trunk dispatched on 17/10/44.

Acknowledges receipt of letter dated 11 September 1944,

Acknowledges her letter of 24 October 44

Informs her that her husband name was included in a German broadcast on October 24 as a prisoner of war.

Passes on contents of telegram from her husband Robert that he had recovered from burns and she could write to him at Stalag Luft 1.

Writes sending her a copy of their circulars giving full directions about sending letters and parcels to her husband, who is a prisoner of war. The also send a circular regarding the sending of parcels to prisoners of war. They request that if she…

Encloses an number of documents that she had requested.

Writes advising her that instructions for the release of her husband’s car have been given to his former unit and that the documents for the car will be forwarded to her in due course.

When he later joined the RAF in 1952, he worked in the technical stores.

Bernard can remember seeing much of the bomber action with the aircraft almost turning the sky black as they all left to participate in the ops over Occupied Europe.

Writes thanking her for her letter which she received a few days before she heard the news about her own husband, Bob, and assumes Joan has had the same news about her husband. She hopes everything will turn out alright in the end for both of them…

Writes thanking her for her letter and informing her that she is still entitled to a travelling pass.

Charles Walkden writes to Mrs Wareing thanking her for her letter and postage stamps. He gives her information on his recovery, about himself and his impending repatriation to his home in Winnipeg and his time in England.

Writes giving details of her husband, his evacuation by the Germans as a prisoner and mentions the condition of his burns which were rapidly improving..

Begins with slight admonishment over wife’s letter writing regularity and discussion of progress on wife’s health issues. Provides details of 11th operation which involved an extremely long sortie, taking off in daylight and recovering next…
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