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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "British Columbia"

Aircraftsman (AC2) Sanders’ Log Book as an Air Gunner from 8 June 1944 until 19 May 1945.

Training started at No. 2 Air Gunnery School, followed by 5 Operational Training Unit based in Canada.

Served at RAF Dalcross, RCAF Boundary Bay, RCAF…

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Several men standing in the snow as their train stops at Avola station.

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A view across a snowy landscape to Mt Robson.

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A view across snowy field to tree covered hills in Blue River, British Columbia.

Identification kindly provided by Frank Schilder.

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A sign pointing to the Seven Sisters mountains, British Columbia.

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Three views between Clearwater and Jasper taken from the train.

Tentative identification kindly provided by Frank Schilder.

Covering the period 3 December 1941 to 1945 it details Jack's initial training, sailing from New Zealand to Canada and subsequent train journey, visiting a fox farm, canoeing, taking exams and getting the results and trips in the snow. Qualifying as…

An extract including a description of being invited by Dr. Whitelaw to a mansion for Christmas dinner and playing snooker. Accompanied by the words of the song 'White Christmas'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital…

The photograph on the left of the left page shows two men in military uniforms standing next to a sign with indecipherable writing near Malahat Chalet. Aircrew brevets can be seen on the top left pockets of the men's uniforms.
The photograph on the…

The photograph on the left page shows different views of Malahat Chalet.
The photograph on top left shows a sign with trees behind it. The sign is inscribed with indecipherable words.
The photograph on the top centre of the left page shows two men…

The photograph on the top left of the left page shows a coast line with a body of water in the background. Captioned 'RUGGED COAST, NORTH SHORE - LAKE SUPERIOR".
The photograph on the top right of the left page shows a railway tunnel going through…

The photograph on the left of the left page shows a mountain scene with a settlement in the background and a bridge in the left of the photograph.
The photograph on the top centre of the left page shows two men standing in military uniforms. Trees…

Eight photographs showing mountains and trees.The top right photo on the left page is Mount Stephen, taken from Field, British Columbia.The photograph on the bottom right of the right page shows telegraph poles in the foreground.Identification kindly…

Left - the top of a totem pole with tree in the background. Right - two tall and two shorter totem poles in an enclosure with path leading up to it. Tree is the background. Captioned 'Totems at Vancouver'.

Additional information kindly provided by…

Captain Flying Officer Charles Ronald Phillips and list of crew and next of kin.

A page for autographs with a signature of Sgt [indecipherable] Gillespie [indecipherable] British Columbia.

Four photographs from an album.
Photos 1, 2, 3 and 4 are low wooded hills taken from the ferry.

Eight photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is the railway lines below Lake Louise.
Photo 2 is Field Lake taken from the train.
Photo 3 is Cathedral Mountain.
Photo 4 and 5 are mountains taken from above Field.
Photo 6 is a mountain surrounded by…

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated 185 'LMG. F/O Hardy. 427'

Three men in civilian clothes standing at entrance to Mount Stephen tunnel. 'X' under right hand man. On the reverse a note on location 'East of the Field showing rock bluff and drop into Kicking Horse River. Party left to right Bob Middlemiss, Bill…

Clair was born in Radisson, Canada and joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in December 1940. He flew 45 operations. He enlisted at Saskatoon and trained at Brandon. Guard duty in Saskatoon followed before Calgary for wireless training. He was…
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