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  • Coverage is exactly "Wehrmacht. Luftwaffe"

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Bf 109G on the ground.
Photo 2 is a port side view of a Bf 109E on the ground.


Photo 1 is a starboard side view of an aircraft with nine ground crew assisting.
Photo 2 is a front view with six ground crew performing various tasks.
Photo 3 is a starboard/front view from underneath of a flying aircraft.


Photo 1 is a starboard view of a camouflaged aircraft, in a museum.
Photo 2 is a port/under view of a flying aircraft.
Photo 3 is a starboard/rear view of a Swiss aircraft in a museum

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Piaggio P108 in Luftwaffe markings. This was a four engined bomber.
Photo 2 is a port side view of a captured C-47 in German markings.
Photo 3 is a port/front flying view of a SM82. This three engined aircraft was…


Photo 1 is a starboard side view of the huge wing span , six-engined, long range, heavy bomber.
The Ju 332 entry is a caption referring to the huge glider which could transport a tank or 100 troops.
Photo 2 is a side view of the single engined Ju…

Photo 1 is a port/front view of an aircraft being refuelled.
Photo 2 is a starboard flying view.
Photo 3 is a port/rear view of men and materials waiting to be loaded at the ramp.
The 352 was three engined with a nosewheel and a rear loading ramp.

Photo 1 is a port side view of the bomber on the ground.
Photo 2 is a port side view of the bomber on a rainy apron.
Photo 3 is port/front view on the ground.

Photo 1 is a port/rear view of the four engined transport on the ground.
Photo 2 is a starboard flying view.
Photo 3 is a port/rear view on the ground.

Photo 1 is a starboard flying view of the twin engined bomber.
Photo 2 is a port/slightly under view.
Photo 3 is a port ground view.

Photo 1 is a three-engined development of a Ju 52.
Photo 2 is a starboard side view of a Ju 287, a heavy jet bomber. With two engines it was under powered so two engines were added to the nose.
Photo 3 is a view of the starboard from slightly…


Photo 1 is a starboard view of a Ju 160.
Photo 2 is a port/rear view of a Ju 160.
Photo 3 is a Ju 248, a development of the Me 163 rocket powered aircraft. Later it was renumbered Me 263.


Photo 1 is a port side view, from the rear. A group of soldiers is waiting at a set of steps. This version has radial engines.
Photo 2 is a side view of the four engined transport. This version has inline engines.

Photo 1 is a port side flying view of a Ju 188E heavy bomber.
Photo 2 is port side view of a row of Ju 188D, the reconnaissance version.
Photo 3 is a flying view taken from underneath of the Ju 188 prototype.

Photo 1 is the port front of a Ju 89, long range bomber.
Photo 2 is the port/ rear of a Ju 188, designed as a medium bomber.

Photo 1 is a captured Ju 88 seen from the rear with many airmen assisting with moving it.
Photo 2 is a group of airmen pushing a captured Ju 88.
Photo 3 is an aircraft which has landed wheels up. There are trestles ready to raise the…


Both photographs are viewed from the port. On the mount is a Fw 190.

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Photo 1 is a starboard side view of a Ju 88P on the ground.This was a specialised ground attack aircraft.
Photo 2 is a modified Ju 88 lengthened to allow a Me 109 or Fw 190 to be carried. The combination was controlled by the fighter who released…

Photo 1 is a port side view taken from slightly underneath. This is the long range reconnaissance version.
Photo 2 is a port side view of a flying aircraft.


Photo 1 and 2 are port side views of different aircraft on the ground. Their radar antennae can be seen on the nose of both aircraft.

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Photo 1 is a port side view of the front of one aircraft with a second behind.
Photo 2 is a port side view of a captured aircraft in RAF markings.


Photo 1 is a port side view of a Ju 87 Stuka on the ground.
Photo 2 is a port side view.
Photo 3 is a front view.


Photo 1 is an air-to-air view of two aircraft viewed from the port. Behind is a formation of 22 aircraft.
Photo 2 is the front of an aircraft on the ground.
Photo 3 is an aircraft viewed from underneath.


Photo 1 is a view from above and the rear of an aircraft on the ground.
Photo 2 is a port side view.
Photo 3 is a front view of a flying aircraft close to the ground.


Photo 1 is missing. HS 130 was a high altitude bomber-reconnaissance development of the HS 128.
Photo 2 is a single seat jet dive bomber and ground attack monoplane. Here it is viewed from the port side on the ground.

Photo 1 and 2 are views of an aircraft viewed from the front and underneath.
Photo 3 is a port side view of a flying aircraft.
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