Browse Items (35368 total)

Political news-sheet from the Conservative party covering issues: the national effort a warning to grumblers, information for farmers, parliamentary commentary, local conservative party meetings, life in Germany concentrating on food shortages and…

A report card from Saltash Council School.

Ivor, wearing shorts, socks and shoes, standing with his hands on his hips. On the reverse 'RAF Tengah. Singapore Nov. 1946. To F/O Cole With best wishes From Cpl Davidson.'


City fire guard certificate made out for JJ Bartram on 1 December 1943. Letter and enclosed defence medal.

Quote from 'The Dambusters' by Paul Brickhiil '2 days later they went to Arbergn [sic] bridge near Bremen. Flak got a direct hit on Gumbley's (Gill's pilot) aircraft on the runup and he went straight down in flames'.

The letter was written 12 days before his last flight over Germany. He expresses his feelings if he is captured or dies serving his country.

A record of a cash gift given to Malcolm Staves in recognition of his services, from the local community.

A report with Harry's end of term results.

Business card for Arthur Pearce for Cox & Kings (Agents) Limited, 15 Charles II Street, London, SW1

Written from Bombay wishing family a good Christmas and New Year. Describes a little of life and weather in India. Catches up with news of family and friends. Continues with description of his situation in India,

Catches up with family news and greetings. Comments on two children and of photographs sent. Continues to catch up with news. Mentions he has been in France since D-Day and writes of experiences.

Five men and one woman at a reunion. They are sitting at a table. One man is holding up a vase of flowers. On the reverse -
'L - R
2 9 Alan Wilmer
3 Mr Polloc [sic]
4 B/A Tommy Noton
W/Op Daniels
F/E Stan Knight'
The reverse is stamped…

Head and shoulders portrait of Des Hawkins wearing service dress including hat. Observer brevet and single medal ribbon over left breast pocket. On the reverse 'Des Hawkins 1943'.

Head and shoulders portrait of John Firth in tunic and side cap. On the reverse 'AC1 Locking, 1943'.

Cyril's identity paper at Pensacola

A graph produced by Cyril.

Writes that he is pleased tobacco prices had been good. Continues with social activities, mentions Bulawayo young peoples club and playing rugby. Concludes writing about his accommodation.


Glad they are well and tobacco prices holding up. Discusses the bad overseas situation concerning Britain, Germany, French capitulation. mentions called for part time training and wishes the air force would call him up. Mentions friend visiting who…

Catches up with home news but states unable to get home for weekend because of part time training. Discusses callup situation and that he is hoping to get in with a draft of recruits being sent overseas. Mentions writing to the air force. States he…


Written from No 2 training camp (Royal Air Force Contingent) Bulawayo. mentions his call up and reporting to the RAF. Says they will be sent to England or Canada for training. Writes about pay and allowances and speculates about the future including…


Written via the Rhodesian High Commission in London. Reports he is well but has not heard from her since leaving but had received letters from other relatives in United Kingdom who thought him a hero for travelling so far to join the air force. Glad…

Writes that he has recovered from recent illness and is still at RAF Bridgnorth, not doing much RAF stuff. Mentions inoculations, shooting. Says not heard from relative but visited Wolverhampton again. Mentions costs of things and rationing. Writes…

Pleased to receive her letter and news. States he was interviewed and accepted as pilot and would shortly start courses as long as medical was passed. Keen to get at Germans that they hear every night. However, he notes training will take some…

Received her third letter and says he is still at Bridgnorth. Mention he passed his medical for pilot and is awaiting posting for training. Mentions 175 Germans shot down previous day. Mentions weather, going to Wolverhampton and other activities…
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