Browse Items (41125 total)

A group of airmen and ground crew arranged in four rows in front of a Wellington with a fared over nose. On the reverse 'Comm Flight Khormaskar Aden Command March 1946-March 1947'
A post-it shows an engine and propeller with a star and 'Stanley Shaw…

A route, with times, flown by Steve Puskas in 'Sweet Adeline' on D Day. The route starts in Yorkshire then Kings Lynn, East of Eastbourne, SSE of Caen, N of Gurnsey, SE of Exeter, E of Porthcawl, W of Stoke-on-Trent then back to base. The aircraft…

Three photographs of Armstrong Whitworth Atlases.
#1 a port side view
#2 two airmen shaking hands at the front of an Atlas
#3 a port side view of an Atlas with a Hucks Starter vehicle at the front.

Dave is dressed in shorts and is draped in equipment. On the reverse 'Dave Davey. Fitter on 122. He's a good mate and comes from Peterboro'.

Front page of a newsheet covering world wide military activity, Series 10 No 3, Two cents. Lead articles about Papuan campaign in the Pacific and Russian successes. Other reports cover North African campaign, German attacks on the south coast and…


Front page of military newsheet, Series 10 Issue 1. Two cents. Covering world wide military activity. Leading articles cover advances by the allied forces in North Africa and Russian successes in the East. Shorter reports on attacks on the Japanese…


A programme for an ENSA show starring Elizabeth Kaye, Biddy O’Connor, Ann Dennis, Rita Massara, Joan Whitfield and Ken Noyle.

A flight simulator for V-bomber crew training and the crew of a Victor participating in a Battle of Britain air display.

Top row left - blurred image of two actors on stage with window in the background. Captioned 'E33 "For the love of Mike", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Top row right - blurred image of one actor standing over another who is sitting in an armchair. In the…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a view of gardens and palm trees.
Photo 2 is an airman in pith helmet, khaki and shorts leaning on a bench in the park.
Photo 3 is an airman wearing a pith helmet, khaki and shorts standing on a path in…


Top left - actor dressed as woman standing on stage. Captioned 'E10 "Girls, girls, girls", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Top right - line of actors mostly dressed from as women with short skirts in line on stage. Captioned ' "Girls, girls, girls", Stalag…

Top middle - poster and cast list for 'Home and Beauty'. Captioned 'F1 show poster'.
Centre left - four actors on stage, two in uniform, one dressed as a woman, one in pyjamas. Captioned 'F2 "Home and Beauty", Stalag Luft 3, Apr 43'.
Centre right…

Top left - blurred image of five actors on stage in a variety of costumes. Captioned 'F8 "Home and Beauty", Stalag Luft 3, Apr 43'.
Top right - blurred image of two actors, one dressed as women embracing on stage. Captioned 'F7 "Home and Beauty",…

Cutting 1 is a small photograph of a Lancaster and for of the crew with the time and day of the airing of the documentary.
Cutting 2 is an explanation of the idea of why the documentary was made and some detail about what inspired it.
Cutting 3 is…

A card sent to Arnold's wife. He expresses sadness that he can't be with them at Christmas.

Top left - on stage, two actors dressed as women standing on the left and a man and woman sitting on the right. Captioned '[..] "Jack and the beanstalk", Stalag Luft 1, Xmas'.
Top right - head and shoulders image of two actors dressed in bonnets.…

A programme for the revue 'Let's Go Mad' presented by The Station Revue Company at RAF Boscombe Down.

Also included are a pass out and an invitation to a dance at RAF Stradishall.

Page titled 'Meet Mrs Mandon, Stalag Luft 3, Nov 1942'
Top left - Blurred image of fourteen men in two rows wearing a variety of civilian dress. Captioned '[..] "Meet Mrs Mandon", Stalag Luft 3. Nov'.
Top right - two actors, one in white waiters…

A newspaper account of Dick Curnock's flight to Cairo to visit his ill brother.


The photograph shows Group Captain Sheen painting the DSO after the aircraft completed 125 operations. Captioned 'Old Mike Squared - believed to have done more ops than any other aircraft in Bomber Command with 139 operational flights to its credit. …

Letter written by Bill from India to his parents telling them that he was coming home - leaving for Bombay tomorrow and should be home by March.

Two photographs and one reverse. One shows seven aircrew posed underneath their aircraft. Four are standing behind, with two on one knee in the front row, on a tarpaulin, and the pilot sat cross-legged in the middle. They are on a dispersal. Airfield…

Caption on the reverse 'Written by Jane Shattock younger daughter of Mr Geoff Francis Shattock following his death in 2002.'

A camp scene of a road with wooden huts and in the distance a bunch of airmen. On the reverse 'Piccadilly Moncton'.

Article 1: Accounts of operations against munition works in Paris, factories in the Ruhr and operations involving over 1000 bombers on Cologne. Goes on with accounts of RAF operations in the Middle East and German communique about Cologne. Article 2:…
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