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  • Tags: ground personnel

A group of spectators lined up waving off a departing Lancaster. A motorbike in the foreground.

Seven aircrew gathered round a table drinking from mugs while talking to a seated flight officer.

Top left: Jack sat in the cockpit of a Hurricane with the identification letter Y on its fuselage. Top right: A group of seven airmen in uniform sitting on the grass. Jack is back row far left, wearing a Mae West and side cap. Bottom left: Jack is…

Front quarter view of Lancaster with engines running being waved off by ground personnel. Other aircraft and a van in the distance.

A group of airmen sit on the port wing and port inner engine of Lancaster R5868 S-Sugar. Another sits and another stands up in the cockpit. Two more are standing in front of the nose. Aircraft has eight rows of operation bomb symbols and words 'no…

Ten airmen, six aircrew standing and three men squatting and one sitting in front. All in front of a Lancaster with three rows of operation symbols.

Four airmen wearing leather jerkins squat in front while seven aircrew, one with tunic, the others battledress, all with brevet, standing in front of port wing of a Lancaster. Engine trestles in the background.

Two airmen, one a warrant officer, standing on a gantry platform by the engine of a Lancaster with open panel.

Servicemen and servicewomen in uniform and one woman in civilian dress behind a long counter. Bunting and flags decorate the room. A sergeant stands in front of counter on the left.

Servicemen and servicewomen in uniform and one woman in civilian dress behind a long counter. Bunting and flags decorate the room.

Front quarter view of a parked Lancaster with snow on the ground. Seven aircrew, six standing and one squatting on left, all wearing Mae West and one airman wearing battledress standing in middle of group. Aircraft has nose art of a woman. Includes…

A large group including RAF male and female personnel and some civilian women gathered inside large room.

Side view of the front of a Lancaster (letters 'PO-U') with engines running at the threshold of a runway. In the background the runway caravan and many spectators. Behind them more aircraft.

Eleven men seven wearing battledress, some with brevet, two in overalls and one in shirt sleeves. Four are squatting in front and seven standing behind. In the background, part of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster.

Eight men wearing a variety of clothes, three squatting in front and five standing behind.

Eight ground crew wearing tunics or overalls standing in line under a Lancaster.

Two airmen, one a sergeant wearing tunic, the other wearing battledress both smoking standing by a wooden hut.

Eleven airmen lined up in front of a Lancaster with kangaroo nose art.

Thirteen airmen, six squatting down seven standing behind in front of a Lancaster with nose art and rows of kangaroo operation symbols. Nose art shows emu and kangaroo either side of shield.

Five ground crew standing in line by the rear fuselage of a Lancaster registration 'ED532'. Engine trestles in the background.

Seven aircrew and an airman standing and four airmen squatting in front with a dog. All lined up in front of a Manchester with engine trestles and ladders up to engines. Nose art of cow.

Side view of a Manchester parked on grass with a group of four men in greatcoats under the nose and two more by the undercarriage. Squadron letters 'H-EM'.

Front quarter view of a Lancaster with fuel bowser in front. There is a man on top of the bowser and a group of men under aircraft's nose. Incendiary cannisters await loading.

Alan thanks her for two letters. He is missing her. He describes flying through cloud canyons.
He describes trips to Bocholt, Germany and Orleans.
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