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  • Tags: 467 Squadron
  • Type is exactly "Text. Service material"

Brief details of John's service record.
RAAF Form P/P 83
Pages 1 and 3 are repeated.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

First page is investigation of loss of Lancaster PB 840 2/3 February 1945. List crew of whom all but Sergeant R F Dyson were killed. Gives location of graves. Includes account of bodies and identification from German authorities. Second page gives…

Included description and personal details of service, postings and dates.

Aircrew selection board proforma completed giving details of Kenneth Pope's flying experience.

Technical certificate authorising Flight Sergeant Kenneth Pope to refuel and carry out daily inspections on Lancasters, their airframes and their Merlin engines.

Shows two bomb loads for seven and thirteen aircraft respectively. Details preselection settings and other data. On the reverse; target marking and bombing instructions as well as other details.

Lists aircraft details and crews for 467 Squadron's A and B flights on 24 April 1945. Derrick Allen is mid-upper gunner on the third crew down in A Flight. Also includes reserve and window crews and other operational details.

Official war record of Benjamin Evans, service number 1031846
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