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Five Group Newsletter, number 20, March 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about processes of navigation, signals/radar, photography, gardening, Gee, flying control, H2S, decorations, tactics, flight engineers, war…

Target photograph showing open countryside with a bomb explosion centre bottom in a valley. Captioned '2294, 104/35, 16/Dec/44, F8, 5500 ft,→14.12, A.F. Macasvo'.

Target photograph of open country with road snaking middle left to top right then to bottom right. Captioned '2363, 104/38, 19/Dec/44, F8, 6000 ft, →5121, B.W.Matsevo'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with roads through area. Captioned '2130, 104/27.19/Nov/44, F8, 8600 ft,→ 11.15. D.S Sjenica-Novi Pazar RD'.

Target photograph showing road running left middle to top right through open countryside. Captioned '2119, 104/26, 18/Nov/44, F8, 9500 ft, →14.45, D.S. Road S. of Stenica'.

Target photograph showing open countryside. A supply container is visible in mid air on the left hand side, a road snakes from bottom left to centre right. Captioned '2360, 104/38, 19 Dec 44, F8, 6000 ft, →1521, B W Matsevo'.

Two prints of the same target photograph showing open countryside with road running bottom left to right. Captioned '2133, 104/27, 19 Nov 44, F8, 8000 ft,→ 1140, DS Sjenica Novi Pazar RD'.

Two prints of the same target photograph showing open countryside. Road runs top middle to bottom right. Captioned '2172, 104/29, 20 Nov 44, F8, 8100 ft, →15.23, S.D. Sjenica'.

Target photograph of open countryside. Road runs bottom middle zig-zag to middle right. Bomb explosion bottom middle. Captioned '2091, 104/25, 17/18 Nov 44, F8, NT, 7700 ft,→ 300 degrees, 21.03, Vicenza, A/O. E, 9x500, 3x250 MkIII 20, F/O Chadwick.…

Target photograph showing snow-covered ground with a river middle left to bottom left. A parachute is visible over the river, and parachute shadows are visible on the open ground to the right. Captioned '2599, 104/58, 14 Feb 45, F8, 1000 ft,→…

Target photograph showing snow-covered open countryside with parachute shadows. Captioned '2547 104/52, 3 Feb 45, 1400 ft, →14.20, X.Z, Crnomelj'.

Target photograph showing snow-covered open countryside with parachute shadows. Captioned '2540, 104/52, 2 Feb 45, F8, 950 ft,→ 15.35, K.C. Crnomelj'.

Target photograph showing a coastline running middle left to middle right. Bay on left, town and port towards the right side. Explosions visible in bay. Captioned '1912.104/6, 21/22 Sept 44, F8, NT, 8100 ft,→ 130 degrees, 20.01'. Handwritten below…

Target photograph showing fields and on left and built up area bottom right. Captioned '2131.104/27, 19 Nov 44, F8, 7600 ft,→ 11.22, D.S. Sjenica Novi Pazar Rd'.

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for P F Andrews, wireless operator/air gunner, covering the period from 16 August 1943 to 13 December 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying. It also…

Target photograph showing a town with a main road running through from top right to bottom left. Captioned '641, FOG, 1, 21/22 Jan 44, NT 8", 8100ft→ , 330 degrees, [...]'. 'A4' Annotated 'Fiume'.

Target photograph showing some buildings top left and flares across the bottom. Captioned '1846.Fog, 13/14 Sep 44, NT 8", 6400ft,→ 090 degrees. 0007'. Annotated 'Tatoi A/D 6 x TI flares'.

Target photograph showing river running top left curving to bottom right. Tracer and flares on right side. Captioned '1965, 104/12.11/12 Oct 44, F8, NT, 7600 ft→, 254 degrees, 20.48' . Annotated 'Verona 9x500 3x250'.

Target photograph showing river running left to right in centre with flare on left side. Captioned '6' and '2480, 104/46, 4/5 Jan 45, F8, NT, ?,→ ??, Latisana RR Bdge, H, 9x500:6x250 Mk IV, 18, F/O Chadwick (F/O Myers B.A.) Z'. Annotated on page…

Target photograph showing built up area to right side with tracer flare and bomb explosion on the right. Captioned 'A4' and '2017.104/16, 16/17 Oct 44, F8, NT 7600 ft,→ 048 degrees, 2014, Zagreb M/Y, V'. Annotated on page 'F - Freddie, 9x500,…

Target photograph showing snow-covered landscape with river running bottom left curving to top right. In the centre a bridge with bomb explosions on both banks. Captioned '2490, 104/47, 5 Jan 45, F8, 7100 ft,→ 11.06, C.F. Doboj. Annotated on page…

Target photograph showing streets on left side with clouds/bomb explosions centre and right side. Captioned 'P4' and '2004, 104/15, 15/16 Oct 44, F8, NT 7000 ft→ 093 degrees, 1931, Trieste M/Y'. Annotated on page 'Q - Queenie, 9x500, 9x250'.

Target photograph showing grid pattern of gardens with light flare bottom left. Captioned 'A4' and '[..23], 104/16, 16/17 Oct 44, F8, NT 7000 ft,→ 354 degrees, 20-48, Zagreb M/[..], [..] 500, 8x250 Mk III 20, F/O Chadwick (F/O Myers B.A.)'.

Top - target photograph of a large port city with land to the left side and port with piers bottom right. Bomb explosions top centre. Captioned '2625 104/61, 17 Feb 45, F8, 14200ft→ , 15.16 1/2. E.L. Trieste'.

Bottom - eleven airmen round a…
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