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  • Tags: pilot

A group of seven airmen arranged in two rows in front of a brick building. On the reverse 'David Purcell & Bill Cashman Leconfield 1943'.

Jim writes to his mother and brother of his routine service life and his fellow crewmen. He asks after her life too. He also describes his visit to York while on leave.

Letter from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes about the mail he has received from friends and family and how long it took to arrive, that he received various newspapers, about the weather, his social activities,…

Three quarter length portrait of Douglas in uniform, standing in a garden.

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Head and shoulders portrait of Douglas in uniform.

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Douglas in full flying gear, in a garden with a bench behind him.

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Three photographs annotated with individual crew names.
Photo 1 is seven airmen arranged in two rows in front of the tail of a Lancaster.
Photo 2 is one airmen posing in front of the tail turret. He is holding onto two guns.
Photo 3 is one airman…

Sergeant Dave Davies in Royal Air Force uniform with his bride, Betty Hughes. She wears a white wedding dress and is carrying a bouquet of flowers. On the reverse “Evered Davies, Aberystwyth”

Seven airmen in uniform stand in front of a Lancaster aircraft. On the far left, an officer wears a cap, pilot's brevet and gloves, with arms at his sides. Dave Davies is pictured second on the left, wearing a sergeant insignia, pilot's brevet and…

Royal Air Force Service and Release Book of Sergeant Dave Davies, dated from 28 January 1942 to 1st October 1946; noting he is 'keen and conscientious' with a 'special aptitude for registry work'.

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Dave tells Betty he receives letters more often now. He then writes about the weather and comments that he will have his final exams in one month. Dave updates Betty on the last movies he saw; and on the people she knows who are also attending the…

Seven airmen including Doug Petty, dressed in full uniform. Underneath the individuals are identified
'F Claridge W Manion F Bullen
W Hay L Joderell E Tammela D Petty'.

Ten airmen arranged in two rows in front of their Halifax. Seven of the airmen are identified with rank and function. Four have DFCs.

Frank Williamson’s RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 2 March 1943 to 25 November 1944 detailing instructional duties as a pilot. He was an instructor with D Flight 1658 Heavy Conversion Unit.

Pilots flying log book for G H Paine, covering the period from 4 January 1945 to 25 July 1949. Detailing his flying training, post war squadron duties with 511 squadron and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Anstey, RAF Guinea Fowl, RAF…

A list of seven aircrew, their position and where they were from, including Fred Hooker.

Lots of discussion over problems of whether she should come to Aberystwyth or not, but if she decides to should decide quickly. He would not book nursing home yet. Continues with description of his activities including new eye test for pilot.…

Wonders about her reaction to his argument for her to come to stay in Aberystwyth. Notes essay on Initial Training Wing and remustering to pilot which he does not want to do. Writes he is still sleeping badly and that the RAF has run out of marmalade…

Ken Johnson's crew. Captioned ‘LL91 QR-X “Xray” with Harry Watkins crew L-R Doug. Hockin (N) Fred Jowitt (E) Johnny Ware (W/O) Ted Ray (B/A) Front- Harry Watkins (P) Ken Johnson (MUG) Hugh Green (RG)’

A list of 16 aircraft and crew lost between May and November 1942 from 301 Squadron.
Business card for P/O Harry William Bock, Polish Air Force.

Geoff Paine in flying kit, parachute harness over shoulder, standing behind left wing root of Oxford. On the reverse 'Pilot Geoffrey Hugh Paine 1947 [deleted] Gwelloe, S. Rhodesia [/deleted] R.A.F. Valley conversion to multi engines A/S Oxford'.

Item 1 is an annotated chart for an operation to Cologne. There are areas highlighted in red around major cities.
Item 2 is a photograph of a Wellington framed by the entrance to the hangar.
Item 3 is a photograph of Batiuszka Cywiński standing…

The Polish language proposal is for Mieczysław Stachiewicz to receive Poland's highest military award, the Virtuti Militari. It details his 25 operations, including the first 1000 bomber operation, on Cologne. There is also a list of medals awarded…

Geoff in Royal Observer Corps uniform standing next to Spitfire named Observer Corp.

Geoff wearing parachute harness, standing next to nose of aircraft.

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