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  • Tags: Lancaster

An air to air photograph of a Lancaster carrying a mocked up Upkeep bomb during the filming of The Dam Busters film.

View of cockpit and nose of Lancaster. A men leans out of cockpit side window, Nose art of cartoon dog with signpost, and many rows of operation symbols.

The wreckage of Lancaster ED412Q at Bouvertet Switzerland shot down by anti-aircraft fire over Switzerland 12 July 1943. The pilot was Pilot Officer Horace Badge.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Three photographs from an album. Photo 1 is a Lancasters seen during an operation. Photo 2 is a 'Scarecrow' explosion of a Lancaster suffering a direct hit. Photo 3 is an airman with a bicycle.

In foreground, large bomb on its trolley, standing behind seven aircrew in flying clothing, Lancaster in background.

Photograph 1 is Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane at RAF Coningsby.
Photograph 2 is a parachute display. One parachutist is landing beside a smoke flare. He has an RAF ensign attached. There is a large attendance…

Left page - top left, air-to-air view of a distant Lancaster flying to the right with undercarriage down,
Top right - air-to-air view of a distant Lancaster flying to the right with undercarriage down,
Bottom left - air-to-air view from slightly…

A Lancaster (PA474 operated by the Battle of Britain Memorial flight) with squadron letters KM (44 Squadron) leads a Hurricane on nearside and three spitfires (one in photo reconnaissance camouflage) on far side. Below are town buildings and open…

Photograph 1 is of a bomb being loaded into a Lancaster X.
Photograph 2 is of Syd Marshall at his engineer's position in a Lancaster.
Photograph 3 is of Syd Marshall and a woman.

Left. An in-flight view of a Lancaster's mid-upper gun turret taken from the astrodome at the rear of the cockpit. The air gunner can be seen in his turret and the tail plane and fins are in the picture. On the reverse is written: 'PLEASE RETURN…

Three Lancasters preparing to take off. One is lined up on the runway.

Three Lancasters preparing to take off, taken from another aircraft .

A distant view of three Lancasters. In front of the closest aircraft are four airmen.

Lancaster with white colour scheme parked on a hard standing. Other Lancasters in the background.

A port side view of a Lancaster 'B' with bomb doors only partially open. A second Lancaster is behind.


Distant view from rear quarter of a Lancaster on runway with engines running. Two other Lancasters in the far distance. Captioned 'Landing'.

Five photographs from an album.
#1 is a side view of a flying Lancaster PA474 PM-M2 at low level.
#2 is a side view of a Lancaster PA474 KM-B on the ground.
#3 is a side view of a Lancaster, PA474, SR-D, flying low over a dam.
#4 is a port side…

Top is a group of airmen in front of a Lancaster. Captioned '207 Squadron (Aircrews and Ground Staff) At Stradishall, Suffolk. February 1947'.
Bottom is the rear of an air-to air view of a Lancaster captioned 'Lancaster EM-A in which we flew on…

Four photographs from an album.
#1. Starboard view of Lancaster AS-U standing at dispersal. The bomb doors are open and protective covers fitted over the rear and mid-upper turrets. The rear door is open and the ladder in place and the H2S dome can…

Titled 'Lancasters at Juvincourt France awaiting ex POWs, 12.5.45, Operation Exodus'.
Top left - a line of Lancasters parked on the left side.
Top right - a line of Lancasters on the right side.
Bottom left - a line of men at the rear fuselage…

Several Lancasters lined up on the ground. There are many men on the ground waiting to be loaded on, annotated 'Pomigliano D'Arco Trooping Brining [sic] Soldiers home. August 46'. (nb.. looks like part of Operation Dodge so could possibly be date…

Four Lancasters with bomb doors open dispersed on an airfield. A engine trestle in the foreground.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available. Additional information about this…

A view from a Lancaster of other Lancasters on the ground. On the reverse 'Lancasters at Yagodnik'.

Five armourers preparing bombs under a Lancaster. Behind a second Lancaster is being prepared with two ground crew standing on the wings above the inner engines.

Several Lancasters parked on a grass field with groups of people standing by them. Behind are high hills. On the reverse 'Pomigliano airfield, Naples Ops Dodge Ferrying prisoners of war, wounded etc' and 'Dorricott'.
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