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  • Tags: killed in action

A payment made to Sam's widow.

A record of Sam's service in the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Sam's record of service.

A card created after Sam's death with personal details and wife's and mother's addresses.

A list of Sam's personal effects forwarded to his wife.

Two head and shoulders portraits of Sam in uniform. In the second he has sergeant's stripes and a RCAF wireless operator/air gunner brevet.

A brief newsclipping about Fred's death on active service.

View of a memorial building and galleries and accompanying text.

RT Black's flying log book from 6 January 1938 to 18 December 1939. His pilots on operations were Flying Officer Allison and Flying Officer Bailey. He was killed in action 18 December 1939.

Top left - memorial stone on village green with wreaths laid at bottom.
Top middle - RAF colour parties in uniform gathered round a memorial stone on village green with spectators front and in the background.
Top left - note 'Dedication of a…

Floral wreath in the form of wings and having ribbons with Royal Air Force printed. Part of the funeral for the 14 airmen lost over Switzerland.

Details legal provision for death duties payable on deaths of Royal Air Force personnel of the ranks of sergeant and above who are killed or die from wounds inflicted, accidents occurring or disease contracted while on active service. Death duties…

Notes that death duties of personnel killed in action above rank of sergeant can be remitted. Gives details of scheme.

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers for Roy Maddock-Lyon, flight engineer, covering the period from 12 June 1944 to 2 May 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying duties. He was…

Roy Jackson’s air gunner’s flying log book covering the period from 4 January 1943 to 22 June 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as air gunner. He was stationed at RAF Morpeth (4 AGS), RAF Chipping Warden (12 OTU), RAF…

A scroll honouring Roy's sacrifice for his country.

A head and shoulders image of Roy Ellis mounted on a card. Attached is a cutting referring to Roy being missing August 1943 then known to have lost his life. Buried at Eindhoven, Holland. Handwritten annotation '3.4.44'. On the reverse is annotated…

A head and shoulders montage portrait of Roy. Included is an air gunner's brevet, an RAF crest, an Air Crew Europe star, three Stirlings in flight, his RAF number and name and 'Lost in action 31st August 1943. Aged 27 years'.

Rows of graves in a cemetery. St Martins, Vevey. Captioned 'Ronald Oswald Bret (indecipherable)
31 RAF graves. Killed on raids'.
On the reverse 'Foulks - N2.
1944 412471
F/Lt WR Esquilant AFC 37. 24/8/46

A series of annotated maps marked with the route taken by Lancaster PA278 down the Rhone valley and into the Mediterranean Sea. The position of the last radio contact is shown and the coordinates of the crash site.

Top - Ronnie Churcher wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons sitting in the right hand seat of the cockpit of a Vickers Viking (VC1) looking back. Submitted with description 'S/Ldr Ron Churcher seated in an aircraft cockpit'.
Bottom - a…

Official record of personal details of Ronald Henry Boone. Noted that he was discharged - killed in action on 12 June 1943 with a total length of service of two years and 163 days. On the reverse details of postings.

Head and shoulders portrait of Sergeant Ronald Oswald Charles Brett, wearing uniform and side cap.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.
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