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  • Tags: nose art

A side view of a Lancaster under service. Nose art indicates 33 operations. Four men are visible on the ground.

A port side view of Lancaster 'A' with its engines running on dispersal. On the nose is a reclining woman. On the ground are three discarded items. The double flashes on the tailplane indicate this is a Gee-H leader in 3 Group.

Six airmen standing underneath the nose of Lancaster 'Abel Mabel' after its 100th operation at RAF Grimsby (Waltham). One airman is wearing a Mae West lifejacket.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Two images of Lancaster W4783 AR-G's nose. In the first image 79 operations are marked. The second image shows 90 operations. The first 15 operations the bomb is held by a stick figure with a halo. Decoration ribbons are also shown.

LH page has a Lancaster airborne over the end of a runway captioned 'The Lancaster Mike Squared gets airborne again'.
RH page more tourist photographs of Cape Town page captioned 'Cape Town March 43'

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Lancaster with engines running on the ground. Other aircraft are visible in the background.
Photo 2 is a group of 17 flight engineers arranged in three rows. Each individual is identified in the caption.

Front/port view of a Lancaster being loaded with bombs., watched by the aircrew.

A large group of celebrating airmen at the front of Lancaster PO-S R5868. The men are cheering the Lancaster after its 100th operation. On its nose is 'No enemy aircraft will fly over the Reich territory. Hermann Goering'.

Seven aircrew in a variety of dress, five standing and two squatting in front. In the background the front of a Lancaster with Koala bear and bomb nose art and name 'LIZ'BETH'.

The nose of a Lancaster with an airman working on the nose art. He is at the top of a stepladder. The art is of a man wearing a grass skirt, boots and a crown. Over his right shoulder he has an Australian flag and in his left hand he has a string of…

Side view of Lancaster W4783 'AR-G' with numerous operations marked on its nose. Another Lancaster can also be seen.

The cockpit of a Lancaster showing bomb tally. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Hk555 Mission tally. Poor picture from a bit of scrounged negative'.

A Lancaster, 'M²', in flight.
On the reverse -
'J Rooke
49 Welton Gdns
M² in flight. Just to show she really flies.
140 operational sorties 1/1/45'.

The seven aircrew are standing at the nose of 'Liz Beth', their Lancaster. Each crew member is identified along with brief details of the crash at Normington, Lincolnshire on completion of an operation to Turin 12/13 July 1943.
The second part of…

Aircrew and ground crew holding the DSO awarded to Lancaster ME746 AS-R2 (Roger Squared).
There are five similar images of the event. In the second photo there are more operations added to the nose and R2 has been painted on. The last has some text…

Photograph 1 is of Lancaster Mike Squared, port side , undercarriage down.
Photograph 2 is of seven airmen posed on the port wing of Mike Squared.

Aircrew and ground personnel sitting on loaded bomb trolleys infront of the Lanacster Mike Squared. Group Captain Sheene on a stepladder is painting a bomb symbol on the nose of the aircraft. Captioned '"Mike Twice" after 138 trips. C/V Sheene on…

Lancaster Mk 2 'Z' being refuelled. A ground crew airman is up a ladder partly obscuring the nose art, a cartoon of a running skeleton with 'Zombie'. It is annotated 'PL29074'.

11 ground crew grouped around the nose of Lancaster 'Y' York. One man is on a step ladder painting operation # 107. In the cockpit is a sign 'These animals are dangerous'. On the reverse 'Y Yorker 100 operation trips over Germany'.

A large group of squadron personnel arranged in four rows in front of their Lancaster 'Y'. On the front is handwritten 44 Rhodesia 'B' Squadron and on the reverse 'Aircrew and Ground [photograph has been trimmed and the text has been lost] on…

The aircrew and ground crew are arranged in two rows in font of Lancaster 'Y'. One of the men is holding a young boy. The aircraft has completed 107 operations. In the cockpit is a sign 'These animals are dangerous'. On the reverse is 'Ground Crew of…

Front quarter view of a Lancaster standing on dispersal with engines running. 'D' on nose and nose art shows Christian cross over swastika with text 'right is might'. Gee-H leader stripe can be seen on the tailplane Two other Lancasters in the…

Two close ups of the nose of a Lancaster. Depicted is an Australian flag, a Kookaburra sitting on a branch, with a snake in its beak. The snake's head is a cartoon depiction of Hitler. Twenty three bombs mark operations. Underneath are two people…

Close up of the nose art on a Lancaster. Depicted is a swastika with a hand held dagger cutting through it. Seventeen operations are marked by daggers, one of which has a 'B' above it. The Lancaster is 'K²'. Beneath is printed 'Killer'.

Maintenance operations underway on a Lancaster. Its code is 'H²ARRY'[sic]' 40 operations are marked by painted bombs and further aft is a cartoon character holding a bomb in a threatening manner. Two men are working underneath. There are two engine…
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