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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Writes he is fit and well and had a good Christmas including special Red Cross food parcel. Still waiting for weather to be cold enough to be able to ice skate. Had just had a little snow so far. Asks if she has decided a name for the baby and…

Top - To his wife he writes that he received the first letter from her and hopes more would come soon. Mentions starting football again.

Bottom - To mother and father he reports arrival of letters and hopes they are getting his. Reports he is…

Reports arrival of mail and says he had written to Air Ministry asking them to open an account in her name and mentions other financial matters. Catches up with news of friends and acquaintances. Mentions going to church and asks her not to send him…

Reports arrival of twelve letters from various people. Comments on lost acquaintances and notes a part of her letter was blacked out. Says he is thinking of taking up book keeping and salesmanship. Asks her to send photographs and says he has no…

Top - hopes that she is now a mother. Says he had had one letter from her and was keeping fit. Mentions playing football. Mentions he had given up book keeping and gone back to salesmanship.

Bottom - say he received two letters and was pleased…

Top - from Wally Layne reporting arrival of five letters that month. Says he has a cold and wishes the weather would settle. Mentions, snow, long winter and that he had had no parcels yet.

Bottom - from Robbie. Thanks her for letters and mentions…

Writes that he will be glad when the baby comes, that he had received a parcel and was very pleased with the contents. Asks for hair cream and boot polish in next one. Discusses mail and friends and mentions that snow has gone and that he was playing…

Top - reports arrival of five of her letters to him and mentions other mail. Mentions books he had read and was recommending to her.

Bottom - reports arrival of mail from friends and that he heard they had had a son. He says he will be glad to get…

Reports he is fit and well and mentions when her last letter had arrived. Says he is tired after playing football, tennis and rugby with more to come. Mentions doing laundry and that he might take up baseball. Discusses acquaintances in camp and says…

Writes he was anxious to her from her. He had had news of birth of their baby from a friend but would be more reassured when he had heard from her. Discusses possible names for baby. Reports arrival of 1000 cigarettes and mentions letters that he had…

Reports arrival of seventeen letters, eleven from her. Glad to hear her and baby were doing well. Thinks David Ian are good names and mentions odd letter from a friend.

Writes of digging a small patch of land as garden and discusses what he has planted. Mentions going to a play and that he does not get lonely as he has so many pleasant memories of her. Asks after friends and says two more boys from Scunthorpe had…

Reports arrival of mail and cigarettes. Hopes her and baby are getting on all right and is looking forward to seeing photographs. Writes of good weather, sunbathing and his garden. Has had no notification of baby from Red Cross. Thinks that war might…

Says he writes regularly and hope his letters are getting through but he has had none from her for two months. Says he is an an army camp now and they get their mail regularly. He says he will move camp again the next day and will write when able to.…

Reports arrival of three letters which were first for two months. Glad baby is well and will be glad when he gets photographs. Says he is in another camp, the third in a month. Hopes he will stay there but should be in another camp as he has been…

Discusses mail to and from. Noted that last letter was addressed to Flying Officer but he had had no confirmation but hoped she had received money due to her. Writes of friends and hopes they will be together next year. Says everyone has had enough…

Top - to his wife saying he was writing by flickering lamp. Writes that things are moving quickly and everyone expects to be home by Christmas but he couldn't imagine the war ending.

Middle - front of postcard with address to Mr and Mrs…

Writes he is fit and well and that weather was good but days drawing in. He would be sorry if he had to spend another winter as a prisoner. Talks of haircuts and mail he had received. Will be glad to get photo of baby and mentions friends at home.…

Reports arrival of letters one with photographs of the baby with which he is very pleased. Discusses progress of war and expectations of the end before Christmas. Mentions V-1s and V-2s. Says he has almost run out of cigarettes and that he they were…

Glad to receive letters and photographs of baby. Comments that she was looking thin and hoped she was OK. Writes that he received official notification of his promotion and expected to be moved to another camp. Glad that she was getting money from…

Writes he had received twenty letters pervious week and some cigarettes. Catches up with news from home. Comments on chocolate that arrived in June parcel. Hopes he would get more cigarettes, says they will have to be patient and they would be home…

Writes that he had received photographs of baby David. Reports arrival of mail and parcels. Request contents for future parcels and says he is out of cigarettes and asks her to up her order. Discusses allowances and eventual homecoming. Three lines…

Says he had received 200 cigarettes, first for ages and was sorry she had started smoking. catches up on mail received. Mentions friend and arrival of parcels and contents. Mentions getting 3/4 of Red Cross parcel in last 7 weeks.

Includes certificates as a prisoner at Dulag Luft and Stalag Luft 6, sketch map showing locations of prisoner of war camps, list of crew with brevets, Churchill's speech, cartoons of prisoner life, contents of Red Cross parcels, notes, signatures,…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 211-1.jpg
Lieutenant W K Septon (0-730973), 17th Bombardment group, 81st Squadron, claims that Ezio Gaggini gave shelter to him in his house for two weeks, providing food and clothes. Then, he crossed the enemy lines.
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