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  • Tags: prisoner of war

A brief description of Bomber Command starting with Air Marshal Harris commanding, types of aircraft used, 1000 Bomber attack on Cologne and losses, the Pathfinder Force, losses, hazards to returning crews and casualties.

A description of their time during the war by their daughter. Her father joined the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in September 1940. He was captured by the Japanese in Singapore, 1942. He was released on 12 September 1945 and came home on…

Gives personal details of Flight Sergeant Henry Bartlett as prisoner of war. Shot down 12 August 1943 near Messina. Admitted to Dulag Luft transit camp on 22 August 1943. Left camp for Stalag IVB on 30 August 1943. Includes English transcript.

Confirms son is prisoner of war in Germany

For Stalag IV B with name Henry Bartlett, British, student.

Head and shoulders portrait of Henry Bartlett with number '222482-IVB'

Head and shoulders portrait side view of man wearing battledress with pilot's brevet. Service number '658 316' on board hung on shoulder. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Head and shoulder prisoner of war identification photograph of a Royal Air Force pilot, head shaved, looking straight at the camera. A blackboard on a wooden beam reads “222482/IVB, Bartlelt [Bartlett] Henry and “22465”, arranged vertically on…

Two individuals seated on each end of a bench at a rectangular table, placed on paved/brick flooring. Individual seated at near end of the bench appears to be preparing food, the other individual appears to be rolling foodstuff, a knife is visible…

A tented area between woodland in background and 3 rows of fencing in foreground. There are many personnel behind the fencing as well as telegraph poles along line of fence.

A set of triple wooden bunk beds. On the middle level various items including boxes and cans are arranged on top of the bedding, the bottom level appears to be in use for storage with a partially open chest and crockery visible. A large bowl rests on…

In the centre a football field with players surrounded by large crowd of spectators on all sides. In the background huts.

In the foreground tall barbed wire fence behind which are men walking in line round a patch of ground. In the background huts.

Four men carry a large cauldron on a pole. To the right a tall fence with clothing hung on it. On the left huts and other men.

Writes that he saw Arthur Brett safely bale out of the aircraft. Presumes he went into hiding on reaching the ground and is sure he is alive. Sends regards from Stanley Alldis, member of the crew, who was a prisoner with the letter's author.

Welcome to transit camp with instructions for reception, recreational facilities, money equivalents and departures. Second page show map of facility.

For Pilot Officer Eric William Sangar with some personal details. Note Nuernberg 26.2.43 and Oflag XXIB. Has stamp of prisoner of war paymaster 25 May 1945.

Eric Sanger's personal account of his last operation, of being shot down and his time as a prisoner of war. Detailed account of last operation to Nuremburg on 25 February 1943 in 9 Squadron aircraft from RAF Waddington. Mentions delayed take off and…

Informs him that his son is a prisoner of war

Head and shoulders portrait of Eric Sanger and personal details in Oflag XXI B.

Contains drawings, names and addresses of other prisoners, dairy of events on being shot down, his crew and diagram of Lancaster, poems, stories of life in camp, Lists of prisoners in his hut, aircraft they flew and when and where shot down. Diagram…

Prisoners of war walking in a circle behind barbed wire, building in the background.

Two individuals with raised arms three German soldiers, surrounded by debris. On reverse '(Handwritten) Russian prisoners being shot by Jerries. (Copy of a print found at Nazi headquarters Luchenwalde)'.

Taken from above, spectators lining the pitch, large number of buildings in the background.

Of wooden construction, lots of clothing, bedding, bowls, and packets strewn over them.
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