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  • Tags: Lancaster

A Lancaster with one wheel on a low embankment. The port outer propeller has been damaged. It is captioned 'A 297G Lancaster III Emergency Landing Wick 22.12.44'.

Air-to-air view from starboard rear quarter of an airborne Lancaster letters 'BH-V'. Submitted with caption '017 - ostatni lot z bombami - na kwatere Hitlera w Berthesgarden'

Air-to air view looking down at front quarter of an airborne Lancaster flying at low level over fields with undercarriage down. Accompanying note 'Lancaster PA474 Waddington 1968. On route to Abingdon for Queens Review of the RAF 60th anniversary.…

Head on air-to-air view of Lancaster in light paint scheme taken from rear turret. Flying over open countryside.


Air-to-air view of front quarter of a Lancaster airborne with clouds below. Squadron letters PG - 619 Squadron. "B" on reverse.

Air-to-air view from front below of a Lancaster with bomb doors open.


Head on view of a Lancaster with undercarriage down just above the ground. The aircraft carries a mocked up bouncing bomb for the filming of 'The Dam Busters'.

Side view of an airborne Lancaster Mk 7 in post-war livery, taken from another aircraft in close formation. Squadron letters 'KC-L'.

Air-to-air view of rear quarter view of a four engine bomber with squadron letters 'AJ-G' airborne with clouds above. The aircraft carries a mocked up bouncing bomb for the filming of 'The Dam Busters'.

On the reverse 'Originally a 617 aircraft…

Two photographs:
- one of aircrew collecting and putting on their flying clothing and parachutes,
- second of two aircrew in flying clothing: one looking out from entrance door of Lancaster W4964, one standing outside talking to an officer not in…

Air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster in flight showing crew positions, annotated with the names of Kenneth Pope's crew. Pilot Jim Cross, navigator Darce Edwards, flight engineer Ken Pope, radio operator Bill Maurer, mid-upper gunner Bill Perry, rear…

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Lancaster with engines running on the ground. Other aircraft are visible in the background.
Photo 2 is a group of 17 flight engineers arranged in three rows. Each individual is identified in the caption.

Top page - title caption 'RAF Aston Down (Gloucestershire) Air Ministry Film Unit'.
Top - four aircrew all wearing battledress with brevet standing in line with a dog in front, all in front of a Lancaster. In the distant background other aircraft…

First photograph, captioned 'PO-Y the second', is Lancaster from port side, parked on dispersal pan, airfield in the the background. The second, captioned 'Bill Maurer W.O.P.' his upper torso in flying kit, including parachute harness and oxygen…

A port side view of Lancaster PO-S R5868 with a bomb load ready to be loaded.

Three photographs, one captioned 'Bill Maurer W.O.P.' shows him in flying kit, sitting on one of a row of bombs. The second captioned 'Y for Yoke', shows the Lancaster on its dispersal, bomb doors open, group of figures under starboard wing. Third…

Left page - top left - air-to-air view front port quarter of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Lancaster Mk1 KM-Z (LL854) Operation Frontline May 1946 44 (Rhodesia) SQ'.
Bottom left - similar air-to-air view front port quarter of a Lancaster with further…

Top - several men in civilian dress standing (one sitting on the ground) looking at a Lancaster. One person is climbing in the fuselage door.
Bottom - a large group of men in civilian dress squatting and standing in a group in front of a Lancaster.


Photo 1 has seven air and three ground crew lined up in front of their Lancaster.
Photo 2 is the seven aircrew with their Lancaster behind.
Photo 3 is the ten men arranged in two roes in front of the port/rear of the their Lancaster QR-H, NF997.

Six airmen standing at the front of their Lancaster. The image is annotated 'The plane & crew that brought us home Jan 1946'.

A starboard side view of a Lancaster, PA964, on the ground. There are eight aircrew standing at the nose. On the reverse is a list of the aircrew including Tom Jones and a list of his operations.

Eight airmen at the port door of a Lancaster, PA964. Two men are sitting in the door and the other six are standing or leaning on the fuselage. On the reverse are the aircrew names.'

Eight aircrew, including Tom Jones, standing at the starboard side front of a Lancaster, PA964. On the reverse the aircrew are identified.

Front quarter view of a Lancaster with fuel bowser in front. There is a man on top of the bowser and a group of men under aircraft's nose. Incendiary cannisters await loading.

Three ground crew, one working on the port inner engine, posed in front of Lancaster parked on it's dispersal, servicing equipment in the background. Under the cockpit are 21 bomb symbols.
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