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  • Tags: pilot

Describes operations as Lancaster pilot. Detailed description of last sortie to attack Dortmund-Ems canal on 6 November 1944. His aircraft was attacked by FW 190 which was driven of and then set on fire by another fighter attack. Describes bailing…

Seven airmen wearing battledress and side caps standing in line in front of the rear turret of a Halifax. Annotated 'Frank and crew' and signatures.

The crew have been identified as:
182868 - MEADEN, ALFRED WILLIAM (pilot)
1650129 - EVANS,…

A group of seven comprising four WAAFs and three airmen. One WAAF is about to get a piggy back from a second WAAF.

Four photographs of groups of airmen.
Photo 1 has nine airmen grouped in front of a statue of Mercury on a plinth.
Photo 2 has the same nine airmen arranged in front of the statue.
Photo 3 has seven airman and one WAAF in front of the…

A group of four men and a woman standing outside the Arlington Hotel. One man is a pilot in khaki uniform, another is in battledress and the remaining two are in khaki.

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An airman lying on the grass. He is a flight lieutenant and has pilot's wings.
There is a second identical copy.

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Four airmen, two crouched and two standing behind. One airmen is in tropical gear with pilot's wings and another is wearing battle dress with a brevet. In the background is the Arlington Hotel.

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A pilot and a WAAF standing outside the Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth. The image is double exposed with images of a flying aircraft and a group of airmen superimposed.

A group of three standing in the gardens of the Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth.

The three men have drinks in their hands.

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Two of the men have pilot's wings. They are standing in a garden.

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Four airmen standing and one sitting on grass with a WAAF. At least two of the airmen are pilots. Behind is a Nissen hut.

A group of seven men and women standing together.

The four airmen are standing in the street outside the Arlington Hotel. There are dressed in khaki.

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An airman sitting at the pilot's seat. On the reverse 'Commanding Officer of RAF Stn Iraq 1945'.

A damaged photograph of a pilot airman with only the right side remaining. On the reverse 'Sandy, plus his funny grin in battledress'.

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An airman sat on a bench, cross armed. On the reverse 'Sandy DFC'. The photograph is damaged.

A small scrap of a photograph with the top half of a pilot. On the reverse is part of a handwritten not but it is not decipherable.

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Three airmen standing with their coats over their arms. One has pilot's wings.

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A pilot resting one arm on a garden ornament. On the reverse 'John Patterson' and 'F/Lt Young April/43'.

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Bill Sharpe, pilot, standing in his uniform. On the reverse 'Pilot Officer Bill Sharpe Royal Air Force 10/8/42'.

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An airman sitting in a Spitfire. He is wearing a Mae West lifejacket.

An RAF officer standing in a garden. On the reverse 'Wing Commander Burrows'.

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Six airmen standing outside a concrete hut.

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