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  • Tags: bombing up

Two bomb trolleys sit underneath aircraft, one with small bomb containers and the other with a general purpose bomb Two airman are working on top of the wing, one stands under the wing bomb bay, one by the small bomb container trolley and another…

One airmen guiding a small bomb container, hanging on loading wires leading to under wing bomb bay. Another airman stands by bomb trolley with more small bomb containers. On top of the wing, two airmen are winching up the container while another sits…

Two photographs of bombs being loaded.
In photo 1 there are nine airmen behind a trolley of bombs. It is captioned 'L to R, - Wilson, Bowles, Phillips, Williams, Sheppard, Williams, Self, Osborne, our French Canadian.'
In photo 2 are five armourers…

An armourer stands guiding a general purpose bomb being hoisted from trolley into the main bomb bay of a Halifax. To the left another airman stands by a another bomb trolley with small bomb containers. A further airman stands on the port upper wing…

An airman wearing tunic guides a general purpose bomb being hoisted into the bomb bay of a Halifax. Another airman is pulling another bomb trolley towards the bomb bay. On the left in the distance two officers are standing talking. Another Halifax…

Poem about armourer loading bombs but would not be there when they were dropped.

Andrew crouching below aircraft bomb bay loaded with small bombs. On the reverse 'Bomb up Me Oudtshoorn'.

Top - four airmen, one lying on bed and three sitting on the other side. In the foreground a bed and table with mug. In the background clothes on hangers. Submitted with description '4 RAF airmen relaxing on beds.One of these is stated to be F/Sgt W…

Two airmen pushing, and one guiding, a bomb trolley towards the underneath of a Halifax. A airman wearing battledress with hands in pockets stands on the right watching. Another group of airman stand behind the trolley watching while a further man is…

Two airman stand on a bomb trolley with small bomb containers looking up into the starboard wing bomb bay of an aircraft. two airmen stand on the left of the trolley watching.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form.…

Top - aircrew member in battledress sitting on a bomb trolley with 8000lb bomb under an aircraft. Submitted with description 'An aircrew member in battledress with an illegible half-brevet sat on a bomb trolley under an unidentified aircraft. Also on…

Top - painting of a Lancaster being bombed up. Captioned 'Winter of 43 somewhere in England. by David Shepherd'.
Bottom - photograph - view from above of a Lancaster with Spitfire and Hurricane on either wing over sea. Captioned 'Memorial in Flight,…

A Lincoln and a Varsity taken from the starboard side, looking across a barbed wire fence.

A Lincoln with an experimental nose. In the foreground a man is sitting with his back to the camera, on his left is an Alsatian dog. Behind him is a VW…

First of group of individuals, captioned 'Air and ground crew, sitting on wing of "N" for Nan, March 1945.'
Second is of small car, captioned "Crew - bus", my first car bought when on ops with 199 Sqdn.'
Third is of right-hand forward nose of a…
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